Combat Manager User Reviews

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  • Crashes in IOS8

    Still crashes at start up in IOS8. Occurs even after removing and reinstalling. Hasn't been updated in a year. I loved this app. It was an incredible resource. It is a shame that it has been abandoned. I'll miss it.
  • VERY serious stability problems

    Unfortunately, with recent iOS updates, this app has very serious stability issues. It crashes *frequently* and sometimes wipes out all of your data in the process. I have had this happen 2 times during critical combats and refuse to use this app again until the stability issues are fixed. My old review is below and I will restore my 5 star review once the app is functional again. It really is a wonderful app when it is working properly.

    Old review:

    I have tried most of the "combat management" apps on the market and this is, hands down, the best one currently available. I find it so useful that I don't think I would be willing to GM Pathfinder without it. It speeds up combats tremendously and makes accessing rules a breeze. I find the interface very user-friendly and intuitive. This is the one app you really need to GM Pathfinder efficiently.

    My only suggestions for improvement are to 1) include links to feats and spells in the monster listings so a GM can immediately jump to the appropriate rules reference in the heat of battle and 2) allow saving information on characters and monsters to more than one folder so multiple campaigns can be more easily managed.

    This app is already great and, with a little more refinement, could be absolutely amazing. Kyle Olson (the dev) has done a fantastic job here and I look forward to seeing what he does next.
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  • Great app, occasionally crashes

    Makes combat much more manageable, but I've had it crash on me mid-combat.

    Once the crashing problems are fixed (I also wouldn't mind a newer looking interface), I'll rate it 5 stars.
  • Immeasurably Useful

    This app makes running encounters a breeze. Each time I wish there was a particular feature, I find the developer already thought of it
  • Won't load

    No longer loads after updating to ios 8.0.2. Not sure when it stopped loading.
  • Doesn't even work

    Can't even open on updated device. Crashes before I even open them.
  • Way too crashy. Not ready.

    This app crashes consistently and has been under very slow development. You're better off running the PC version on a laptop at the moment. Not helpful at all.
  • Invaluable at my gaming table

    This app is not perfect, but it's as close to it as I've found. It is so useful or have monsters, feats, spells, rules and even treasure at my fingertips while GMing. The ability to advance a monster with the press of a button is also invaluable.
  • Great but...

    I love the concept, the design layout is great but it needs some work. Currently it's constantly crashing, which makes it more irritating than useful. I just made 3 NPCs and added their stats, I had to save after each section because the app crashed 2-3 times per NPC. Very annoying.
    Would love it if there was an x to clear all text fields in the app. Also some of the larger text boxes will let you type multiple lines, but will only save the top line. Several other smaller bugs as well.
    Positives: very convenient for quick rule references, best system I've used to keep track of battles, initiative, conditions, etc. Great way to roll perception checks etc. for your rogues without them knowing you're rolling. Lots of things I like... just really wish I didn't pay $5 for a beta version.

    With all the bugs, it's still worth 2 stars because it's a useful app. Would be 4 if they fixed bugs, 5 if they would allow adding spells and feats to monsters and NPCs that would link to the spells and feats they already have in their DB. AKA if I look at a monster I added with pounce, I should be able to tap pounce to see what it does instead of having to go look it up myself.
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  • all better now!

    Thanks for the update - it works beautifully again! Couldn't manage my GM duties without it. Great app!

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