User Reviews: Aces Spades

Top reviews

  • Love it!

    I play this game every single day at least once. No complaints, but I’m not far from reaching the 1000 mark and I’m seriously hoping that there is more of a commotion than a little confetti waiting for me. Imagine how many games I’ve played to get to that point. Maybe a Bugatti or at least a Mercedes. LOL
  • Spades bug fix

    The Spades bug fix created another issue for iPhone 12 users; instead of the game being played full screen, it is a quarter of the screen, and my hand takes up most of the center where the cards are played. Sometimes I am unable to see the card played by the player to the left of me because my hand is covering it up. I will check often to see if/when you fix the issue, until then, I’ve downloaded another Spades game.

    Developer Response

    Hello,I'm sorry to hear you're running into issues with the game. You can reach out to us at and we can work to help.Thank you,Concrete Software
  • Great game.....having an issue with screen size

    I’ve played this game for years, have been a few bugs but everything has always been worked out. However, now when I play on my iPhone, the screen of the gameplay is in the upper right hand corner of my phone screen. It’s very tiny and obviously I can’t play it like that. The navy blue background extends the entire phone screen, but just the board, hands, scoring, all of that is centered up in the upper right hand corner. I took a screenshot, but don’t know how to include that here. It works fine on my iPad, just an issue on my iPhone. I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling the app with no luck. Any updates coming soon to fix??

    Developer Response

    Hello,This screen issue is a problem with iOS 13. We're aware of the issue and we're working to look into it so we can get it fixed, but unfortunately I can't offer any estimated data as to when it will be fixed. If you have more questions you can reach back out to us at you,Concrete Software
  • Ace of spades

    I don’t like how if you make over your bit 10 times they take points away. Why has the screen get smaller if the person on the left goes first you can't see the card.😩

    Developer Response

    Hello,We're aware of some issues with the game's screen size on iOS 13. We're working to get the issue fixed for a future update to the game. If you have any questions or other issues you can reach us at you,Concrete Software
  • Not playing until app fixed

    Let me start, I LOVE this game. I played it a lot (along with Hearts and Cribbage by the same company) before the most recent iOS update. Since then, the game board has shrunk and when playing, my hand partially obscures the board so you can’t see some of the cards played by the AI players. It’s horrible and annoying. So you only get 2 stars until things are fixed. Happy to change my rating once this is corrected. Get with it Concrete.

    Developer Response

    Hello,Thank you for your feedback regarding this issue. We're aware of some problems with the game's screen size/layout as of the new iOS update and we're working to get this fixed. If you have questions you can reach us at I apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime.Thank you,Concrete Software
  • Purchase remove ads but it didn’t do it. Terrible customer service.

    I purchased the remove ads. The app crashed as soon as I did. When I opened it back up it didn’t remove the ads and still had the option to buy the ad removal. I contacted customer care, and showed them the screen caps of what was going on, and followed all their suggestions on how to fix the issue. None of them worked. I have proof that I did purchase the remove ads, and I also had proof that I couldn’t rebuy it again. After I sent this proof, I didn’t hear back from them again. I’ve even sent an email saying hello but they haven’t responded. So I guess they’re gonna get my money and I have to put up with ads anyway. I’m seriously considering just deleting the game. Also for some reason this game won’t remember that I connected it to Facebook 10 times.

    Developer Response

    Hello, I apologize for the frustration this issue has caused. We responded to your email again today. If you have further questions you can reach out to us again at Thank you, Concrete Software
  • Love and Hate the game!

    AI players (in single player) seem to always know which suit you are a little heavy in and just zero in til you go bust. If this happened incidentally I’d say it is just the luck of the draw.

    Enough comments have already been made about the AI partner not really having your back and having an insatiable appetite for Sand Bags. Really, who actually plays this way?

    Other than those nagging issues, I like the game and try to anticipate and play against the aforementioned anomaly’s. Hope it gets fixed someday but hey, whad’ya want for a couple of bucks?
  • Horrible.....Sandbags, Steals Books, and Poor Scoring!

    First, I’ll start by saying the graphics and animations are Great! However the game play itself is very deceptive with scoring and awarding the booked hand. You bid your hand, you make your book, and the opponent is awarded your book after you’ve clearly won that hand. Example: Hearts lead (played by the opponent or even myself),everyone plays a hearts except for my AI partner or myself who cuts with a spade ( due to no hearts)...why is the hand then given to the the wrong team ( the book in this case should go to the player who cut with the highest spade, if that’s what was played to win the book). The game awards the book to the wrong team, the system seems to not recognize the sequence of players and who actually should be awarded the book based on who played which card and the value of that card. Not to mention the other problem of seriously reneging. The developers placed a lot of emphasis on graphics, which is Wonderful. Maybe now they can work on the integrity of the game with proper scoring and awarding of the books. Once this is done, you will have an exceptional product.

    Developer Response

    Hello, I apologize if you're running into issues with AI or scoring in the game. You can reach out to us at and we can look into these issues. Thank you, Concrete Software
  • Good...but could be better

    The bug that makes the 2nd to the n-th hand deal the user everything except face cards and spades has finally been squashed! Excellent! Please fix the issue that this game has with sandbagging. There are 13 books in a deck...why are both opposing players and the user’s partner notoriously bidding between 2-3 books??? Then scoring between 5-7 books? Those sandbags add up quickly with the current system. And it is frustrating when you have built a comfortable lead and then have to give up 100 pts b/c the A.I. “partner” can’t bid! The “hint” bidding feature needs a tweak as well. Oh, and the A.I. will conveniently “renigg” during the course of a game. There should be a book checking feature to flag and recompense if it continues to occur.
  • Went from just an OK Spades game to horrible...

    "The partner play is what needs improvement. Some of the cards played by the AI partner and the sequence of play just doesn't make sense. Especially in a Nil situation. It makes it hard to judge what to play because your partner doesn't play smart."

    That was part of my first review but after update, your partner just blatantly sabotages you. It's infuriating. Now the game constantly freezes and I have to hard exit the app just to restart, sometimes several times. Hard to play this game now.

    Developer Response

    Hello, I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're seeing with the game. Please feel free to email us at and we'd be happy to help in any way we can. Thank you, Concrete Software

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