LeadSmall User Reviews

The reThink Group, Inc.

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  • Great for SGL updates but too many bugs to use for small group data

    Data entered for one student will auto fill into every other student profile is those fields are left blank. I now can’t use the phone number fields since I don’t know if that is actually their number. Super frustrating. As a SGL I love this app for getting prepped by our youth pastors and keeping up to date on our own news. The small group participant information section has a lot of potential. Please fix these bugs!!
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  • Lost members and trouble setting up new members

    I really enjoyed the app before the update. With the update I lost all of “my few” member info. So, I’ve had to set them up again and am having trouble saving info I want to add to each member. I’ve set up several members and then have gone back to edit/add info and it won’t save. I’m wasn’t sure how to get support on this except to leave a review here.
    Also, there needs to be a way to edit groups (delete members, move members to other groups - for ex. I want to move a middle school group member to a high school group because they have graduated from middle school, etc. )
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  • Needs a lot of work...

    Good foundation and like others have said it has a lot of potential. However bugs like adding other people’s info to fields if they are left blank is extremely frustrating. There is no way to sync with contacts, or choose email and/or calendar application (I.e. Google, Outlook, etc.)
  • Agree with the first review

    Like the other reviewer said, this is a great concept but way too many glitches. So frustrating trying to save info. Picture from one person shows up on several others!! When you take attendance it shows the correct number but all the students show up when viewed. Definitely needs work.
  • Could be great but too many bugs

    I have had this app With our church youth group for the past year. Although the concept is great, and using it weekly for discussion guides is helpful, there are way too many bugs that make the app very frustrating. For one, once you add a member to your group you can no longer add anything to their profile without restarting it all over again. The app never lets me sign in without re-entering my email and password and I had to reset my password many times to get it to work. You can’t copy and paste information into student profiles without it messing up. And I constantly get error messages when trying to input information. If I tried to change any profile information, it does not save. Again, we use it every week and it’s great for the weekly Messages. But not good for keeping up with my small group and all of their information. So I will use something else for that from now on.
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  • Helpful tool

    I love this app and all that it offers for small group leaders. I especially love that there is now the ability to login to one main account where the group info is stored so you don’t have to enter kids info on each leaders app.
    I do have one issue though and that is that I have not been able to get the photos to stay uploaded for each child and their profile pages don’t load properly. If there is a fix for this, that would be awesome.
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  • Missing too many features

    At first, this app looked like it was going to be great. Unfortunately, the longer I've had it, the more frustrated I am with it. It is not practical at all.
    First, the positives. I like being able to access our curriculum from the app. It is also nice to able to store all the kids' info in one place. Beyond that, there are no other features that I use.
    Next, the negatives. (Which outweigh the positives) Where do I start?
    -There is no way to share your group's info with any other leaders.
    -There is no way to re-name your group, or transfer kids from one group to another
    -There is no in-app way to communicate with other leaders
    -There is no calendar and no attendance feature
    -There is no way to edit the info settings for each group member. I should be able to add a spot for a second parent's phone number. I should also be able to delete the email/twitter boxes. (I don't use them) Bottom line, I should be able to customize each group member's info how I like.

    This app is just a hollow shell of what it could be. If these features were added, I would gladly use it. Until then, I'm going to use other methods of managing my group.
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  • Like this app, would love w/2 features

    I'm all-in when it comes to the kids in my small group. I like having pictures to help me remember newcomer names and pray for each of my few. I like the slideshow feature, but please make a way to tap and view in whole screen mode. Also a much-needed feature is an attendance feature. Would love to have a screen with all my kiddos faces and tap on each present--then have a chart showing all who attended each week month-by-month or quarterly. Great for reminding me to contact girls who are gone several weeks. Thx.
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  • Good but missing KEY feature

    I was so excited for this app so that my co-leaders and I could finally have a place to store all our student information and an easy way to contact our students and their parents. However, we can't use this app because we are not able to share information with each other. It causes duplicate work for both of us to have to add and/or change a girls information.

    Once they add a feature for leaders to share their group's information, then we will try this app again. But until then, we will keep searching for an app to use.
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  • This is ALMOST the perfect app.

    The things this app does that are absolutely AWESOME are numerous: ability to put the small group kids you lead in a group in an app, ability to get them to take selfies to add to your app (so you can remember them later), ability to see the curriculum and get discussion questions quickly, ability to capture their Insta or Twitter handle, ability to know their favorite candy, ability to have ice breakers or a spinner so they will take turns, ability to text the students, or the parents or both! AMAZING stuff!

    The problem is this app lacks an important feature: the ability to move the students from one group to another. When there are more than 10, the iPhone texting capability will not work with it, so you want to keep the group(s) a manageable size. Having to do a series of screen captures of a student's data so you can move them to a new group you're creating (like, say, kids that are going to an upcoming winter camp) is CRITICAL! I'm sold out to ORANGE but I'm looking for another app solution for small group communication.

    Additionally, it would be great if we would be able to "slice and dice". We could, for example, click on school and then text all the students we lead from a particular school.
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