Angry Birds Friends User Reviews

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  • Horrible customer service, broken slingshot

    I purchased a wishbone slingshot, which is supposed to “cause more damage to every object on the screen,” a direct quote from support. BUT- I’ve done tests on multiple levels and types of objects and have concluded it works the exact same as the normal slingshot. I have purchased a jingle sling as well, which does work as it should. I sent support a message explaining my concerns with the wishbone, but I was sent an automated response and was told there was no issue. I replied back, and my ticket was closed. I began a second support ticket, explaining my frustrations even further, and received the same exact response and my ticket was closed again. For the third time, I asked for someone to actually read my issue, and I think I may have gotten a real person, but I’m unsure because he was just as unhelpful as the first. I then asked for a refund so I could purchase a different slingshot that would hopefully work as it should. I was told that would be unfair to other players. I feel it’s unfair to me that I wasted my money on a slingshot that doesn’t work as advertised. I’ve been playing the Angry Birds games for 10 years and I’m so saddened to see they don’t respect or appreciate the people who keep them in business.
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  • Closest to the original as I could find

    My personal favorite version of angry birds is the original, no leveling up birds, no transformers, no battles version. Angry birds friends is the closest I could find. Rovio could you please release the old version where there were a bunch of themed level for each land? It is my favorite and it isn’t as overwhelming visually. I would really appreciate it. I mean what’s the harm? You could make it like retro angry birds and tons of people would go for it. I do like how you release new levels that change every few days and you try to score the highest, that adds a fun element but once you get to diamond level, there really isn’t anything to earn, there is no point. Maybe you should release more themed slingshots or add skins for your birds. You kind of level out on friends. I still play it for the changing levels but if it didn’t have that I would have gotten rid of it. Overall it’s a fun game but I would like it if you could take my suggestions into consideration, thanks!
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  • Soooooooo EXPENSIVE !!!

    I’ve been playing Angry birds and Angry birds friends since they came out, and for the most part enjoyed it; except when you get kicked out of the game, especially during your highest score😡! This happens every time I play, as well as it freezing up during, or after the ads that are meant to give you free power ups, so then you waste several minutes watching either a frozen screen or it giving you an error so you don’t get the power up, then you have to power off and reload. Rovio has also taken the “Let’s make tons of profits” to a ridiculous level. You are unable to get 3 stars on most levels unless you power up and to power up, you have to purchase coins which are extremely expensive and the higher level you go, the more power ups you have to use in order to be competitive and earn coins. I guess the only solution is to quit playing a game that I have loved for years. Greed is the worst!
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  • Classic!

    This game has me filled with nostalgia from the previous games, and has the same physics that they took away in Angry Birds 2. Speaking of classic, Rovio, I know you’ve been getting this question a whole lot, but... can you please place your original games back in the market? I really enjoyed playing them and it’s what brought your popularity up in the first place. Until then, this game is as close as I can get to the original Angry Birds, and I’ll keep playing away as many levels as I can! But lend us the classics again pretty please we loved them...
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  • Not A Happy Camper ☹️

    I’ve been playing this game for years, competing with a friend in all the tournaments. We’ve had a great deal of fun, & would like to continue. A major problem is that the recent restructuring of power-up offerings has pretty much ruined things. For example, it’s no longer possible to opt for one type of power-up—now it’s necessary to get them in bundles. That means that if they‘re used unevenly, a player is stuck with a collection of less frequently used items. Also, the option to watch videos to obtain power-ups, outside the actual gameplay area, is gone. For players who can’t afford to spend a lot of money, this is a real problem. It should also be said that the person I play with has experienced serious problems with being able to access the game @ all (he plays on desktop, I play on my phone). This is all very disappointing, & I’m going to miss playing Angry Birds Friends. ☹️
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  • Ads are relentless

    I’ve been playing this for several years. You would get an ad pop up now and then. But the frequency of the ads popping up has become relentless. It’s now every time I open up each of the levels to play. And the star tournament you open up each of the 3 levels go to throw a bird , next thing you know an ad pops up and you can lose points because you can’t see where the bird you just threw went.
    I know you have to make money with ads being the venue, but they are so frequent, repetitive and annoying. I am so tired of seeing any the Age of Z one which I am kind of offended by. Women in bikinis or suggestive outfits shooting guns is disgusting.
    Also if there is something to hit in the upper left you can’t see it due to the power ups blocking to view. Make that expandable so we can hide it.
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  • All about the BUCK$$$$$

    I have been playing this game for years now and am so frustrated over the changes that have been made in the last few weeks. When all other games have been offering freebies and incentives to play, especially during the COVID-19 quarantine, this one has increased the need to spend money to play under the guise of giving more! 😡 They started out allowing you to use more power ups only to start making the birds slower, weaker and less birds to use than is needed to even make a dent in each level. Even the power ups are slower and weaker but guess can use more of them buttttt you have to purchase them. I’m very disgusted especially considering these game apps are some of the few companies that benefited from the quarantine! Talk about price gouging!! 😡 I’m DONE! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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  • Please fix

    I really like this game but it's constantly kicking me off. I lose my free birds after an add, the birds randomly shoot off without me touching the screen. I lost my high score constantly. I even lose my mini games due to the ads kicking me offline. I get high ranks, like 1st, 2nd or 3rd, but it gives me 17 coins as it shows I'm in last place, even when my scores are in the 1st - 3rd high scores. Please fix this. I'm tired of being kicked offline, losing my ranks in the tournaments and I need those free birds... I watch those endlessly irritating ads, at least let me have those needed birds, slingshots, etc. I can never get past 4th or 5th treasure chest in the mini tournaments, because I get kicked off and have to start from the beginning... over and over. It's beyond frustrating.
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  • Love them Birds

    Takes your power ups at times due to glitches and loading but they give it back on the daily spins with ads. I played since it started and it has changed a bit. I play on diamond level 7-9 back and forth. I’m in first place sometimes 33 place at times but it depends on how you figure out each stage. The winning is really up to you I have tried different things for each bird sometimes you get it and sometimes close is good enough. Play the levels without power ups until you find the highest score then figure out your power ups after to save yourself from loosing time=money
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  • Latest update

    January update. Use to love but now it is terrible, I can’t even play it with totally re installing it so sad because evidently the creators do not care because it’s been mentioned by many.
    December 19th update, it was doing better and now it’s back to the sluggish play. Please Please fix it.
    Latest update, thank you for acknowledging there was a problem with the game, I still don’t like the graphics as much but the sluggishness is better.
    Ps. I just tried to contact you about the game and it will not allow me to unless I want to work for you?
    Is it just me or has the latest update made the game sluggish for lack of a better word. It’s a problem I have never had before and do not have with any other games so I don’t believe it is my machine. It’s not fun to try and play anymore and that’s sad
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