Reuters News User Reviews

Reuters News
Reuters News
Thomson Reuters Enterprise Centre GmbH

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  • Thought I’d give Reuters another try

    It used to be a 5-star app. I reloaded it to see if they improved accessibility. Today, I opened ONE article and was blocked. They said I reached my daily limit and had to register. Huh? Really?

    Register my info for “a more personalized experience”? Heck no! Sounds like a sales pitch, not news, to me. So I’ve deleted this app. Footnote: The previous issue from my review (below) was eventually resolved, which reminds me that I should shower praise on my favorite apps when things are good. Regrets, Reuters! You offered an excellent service for years! I usually have no trouble with the app, but like a few of the more recent reviewers, I’m running into the same issue. When I return to the headlines after reading an article in detail, I get bounced back to the top rather than scrolled down to where I left off. It’s so annoying I close Reuters and skip to another news app.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, thanks for your feedback. This issue with being redirected to the top of the today page shouldn't happen. Could you please email me your details at ?
  • No More Widget

    I have not been a fan of the latest updates, but I kept the app on my phone because Reuters is a non-bias source for news. That all said the last half dozen updates have been terrible. The new interface is harder to navigate and not as easy to read as the older versions. Another big reason I initially used this app was because I could put a news widget on my homepage. Now all of a sudden the widget has been removed. Very disappointing. It seems as though the developers updates are taking features away in an effort to streamline the look and feel of the app. All those efforts have resulted in an app that I use less, because features have been removed and it is more difficult to navigate to see the news I’m interested in. I went ahead and downloaded the AP News app which unfortunately does not have a news widget, but seems to be easier to navigate and organized better to make for easy reading, and navigation. I’ll continue to have both on my phone, but I find myself using the Reuters news app less and less every month. if they brought back the homepage widget, I would probably use this app more.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, thanks for you feedback. Please note that in version 6.3.0 we've brought back both the Reuters 60 mins video and the Widget too. Update to the latest app version and let me know if you have any further feedback at
  • Where’s the Auto Video Player??

    I have been using Reuters as my primary news source for 6 years now because as an American… our national news sources are nauseating and annoying. Reuters with its very fact-based and neutral reporting of the events is so refreshing for an American like me. I truly love and rely on this platform to keep me informed.
    But I’m writing this because I’m heart broken to see that with the new update they decided to go with a “social media style” scroll through the videos instead of the autoplay feature they used to have. I loved the autoplay. I would put it on in the morning while I get ready. Now I have to scroll to each video it only plays for 10-15 seconds then I click it, an ad plays and then the video. Then back out to the scrolling and start the whole process over again. Frustrating. Please, bring back the auto play for videos. I’m totally ok with watching an ad in between each one, if I can just have the option to let all the videos play. Thanks!
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    Developer Response

    Hi, thanks for you feedback. Please note that in version 6.3.0 we've brought back both the Reuters 60 mins video and the Widget too. Update to the latest app version and let me know if you have any further feedback at
  • Font updates

    Using different fonts should be used to call attention to an important piece of information or to clearly highlight a new section. The use of the extra large font followed by tiny font for the story line makes it hard to scroll and absorb information. The eyes are constantly adjusting from huge to extra small. Its like going from a shout to a whisper.
    Should use font size consistently. Sometimes the extra large font headline is not even followed by a story line. Where is the story the extra large font is leading us to? Sometimes a headline is just a headline yelling for your attention.
    Also the human eye is reading from left to right (mostly scanning in this app) so when there is occasionally a section with 2 columns for stories the second column is not easily scanned.
    Love the information Reuters is putting out, but now it is hard to digest quickly. Would really like to see the streamlined version back.
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  • New Version Is Unusable

    I've been a loyal user of the Reuters app for years and have enjoyed the curated Reuters TV content on a daily basis. Unfortunately, while the app looks nicer on the outside, the latest set of updates have significantly changed the overall user experience for the worse.

    Previously, finding and watching content was effortless. They simply had a curated list of the latest news in an easily consumable format that highlighted some of the most important topics internationally. Now, it feels you have to HUNT just to locate content you want to see. And when you do find some stuff that interests you, my gosh, be prepared for a frustrating experience. The videos are still bite-sized 2-3 minutes tidbits, but they now EACH begin with an ad. Sometimes 30-45 seconds. Almost 1/4 of my overall experience is now watching ads!!! I feel I should be getting PAID for this at this point!

    Now, it’s understandable that ads are a necessary source of revenue for most apps. However, the current implementation here is totally excessive. You have to watch not just an ad, but most of the time it is the SAME AD repeatedly, for EVERY 2-minute video, which now at this point really really makes me want to just uninstall this app.

    TLDR: there are some improvements in the app's appearance, but the overall functionality has declined. The constant ads and difficulty in finding content have worsened the user experience for me.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, thanks for you feedback. Please note that in version 6.3.0 we've brought back both the Reuters 60 mins video and the Widget too. Update to the latest app version and let me know if you have any further feedback at
  • Rethinking Reuters: A Critical Review of the Apple TV News App

    We’ve been using the Apple TV version of the service for years to get our news at lunchtime. Just to be clear, this feedback refers exclusively to the Apple TV version. It might apply to other versions, but I’ve never used them and can’t say either way. We appreciate the impartiality of the news service. In general, the app is functional and visually appealing. However, there are several areas that could be improved. The welcome screen offers options for different versions of the news according to how much time you have: 5, 10, 20, or 30 minutes. Unfortunately, none of them work. No matter what you choose, it always gives you a 60-ish minute version. It seems that the feature used to work, and they probably transitioned to a one-hour-only model but never updated the interface.

    Recently, they’ve innovated with more segments consisting of raw footage without any comments or context. Sometimes it’s pretty self-explanatory, but other times it’s an utmost mystery. They should at least provide some written information about the footage, even if they don’t have a narrator in place.

    Speaking of narrators, the sound quality is often atrocious. It’s as if the narrator has the microphone inside their mouth. Some upgrading to the reporters’ microphones might be in order, perhaps?

    That’s my two cents.
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  • You’ve ruined your app

    I used to love the app on my Apple TV and phone. Since their update to the new format, it’s absolutely horrible. I have the same complaints as everyone else that are having issues and dislike the updates and new format. I’ve deleted the apps but keep coming back to the App Store to see if they’ve changed it back or at least improved it. They haven’t, so I’m leaving this review. I like Reuters and hope their app development team can get it together and fix this. I’m sure with everyone that has deleted the app, they’ve noticed.
    Update: The Apple TV version of the app is no longer available, at least at the moment. If you delete the app, which I did, and then go back later to see if it’s been improved yet, it’s not available for download.
    Reuters, is this about money? If you need to charge a modest fee to bring back that app that worked and had a great format, I would pay. Key words being ‘modest fee’.
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  • Apple TV version

    I watch Reuters news daily on the Apple TV at home. Recently, it was updated by Reuters and the format has changed. The new format makes no sense to me. There’s an option to watch five, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minute news highlights. In the old version when you clicked on the 15 minute when you got 15 minutes of what the daily news is if you clicked on the 30 you got 30 minutes a little bit more in depth of the daily news. Makes sense. The new version it doesn’t matter which one you click it’s giving you about an hour worth of news.

    This has essentially made it worthless for me in order to catch up with a little bit of everything. I don’t understand why they changed it.

    There is, however, one good thing out of the update. You can now rewind and fast forward between news segments/stories.

    I really wish they would go back to allowing you to have more condensed version of the daily news so there in 15 minutes I can get a little bit of everything that’s going on or in 30 minutes I can get a little bit more of everything that’s going on.
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  • Better than most mainstream but glaring omissions in coverage

    Many of the articles lack the biased narration of mainstream source so thats a definite plus. But it is shocking to see nearly no Brazil coverage (and very favorable to the communist Lula regime on the rare occasion it makes news) on whats going on: including the insane jailing of journalists, peaceful protestors, judges, and political opponents, by a president who went to jail after THREE different tribunals of judges (he himself put in place) unanimously found him guilty of massive crimes against the state. Its on par with the Iranian protests, but because its a self described socialist there isn’t much from Reuters- other than spin for this new regime, despite historic upheaval in the 12th largest economy in the world.
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  • Video never plays

    I have used the app for years; and suddenly videos no longer play. I try to watch in my home on WiFi, or anywhere and the app just has an error where the video should be, claiming the signal is too weak so only audio will render. I have a strong signal, and no issue with any other video players. I looked to see if there is a setting on the app for video quality; there is not. This is ridiculous, and very annoying.

    This used to be my go to app for a daily briefing, and I’ve tried to be satisfied with audio only; I am not. The stories are written for video, so refer to the video image without describing it as would be done for audio only by design.

    Please set the video quality threshold to a reasonable, realistic setting, or give me the control to set it myself. I never had a problem watching your videos before this restriction was added. This makes the app subpar.
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