Currency Converter ‧ User Reviews

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  • Good, but could be great

    My old currency converter is dying with iOS 11, so I went to look for a replacement. This looked good and had good reviews so I tried it, and it's good... but needs a little work.

    First, it's really quite solid; it's simple in basic use, and the clever bit about the numbers fading and sliding off to the right to clear the values is a really nice touch. The main-use design is clean. And that just makes the other problems stand out more.

    First, a detail: flags are not square, and while it might have been a design choice to try to make it look clean, it just ends up making it look kind of Windows 3-ish. You have the horizontal real estate to use rectangles if you want. Conversely, either make the flags circles (trendy but not functional imo), or round the corners (more in line with Apple), or something.

    Selecting currencies is mystifying until you figure out what's happening when you tap, and this needs help. Perhaps a two tap setup where you select the one you want to replace, then the one you want to replace it with? Maybe drag and drop so you can specify which you want to use and which to replace in one gesture? At the very least add some animation so we can see what's happening when you tap a new currency. The current model is hard to figure out and hard to use.

    And last: you need an actual control to poll or not poll for updates. Yes, I'd like an "update now" gesture, but I mean something to turn automatic updating OFF if you're in a country where you have a very limited amount of data or it's very expensive. I often want to still let my phone use, say, maps, but have as many things as possible shut off so they don't vampire my data little by little. Having a control in the app vs relying on iOS's "use cellular data" switch would be comforting to know that a positive and easy-to-get-to control was there.

    So: good foundation, hope to see some additions and changes. If it had some of these, I'd absolutely buy the Premium. (Heck, put that "go offline" switch in Premium and I'd buy it.)
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  • Simple and easy to use

    I love using this app while traveling!
  • Simple and fast

    Used this app for my trip to Medellin and it was simple to use and fast with the conversions.
  • Works great

    It does.
  • When you want to keep it simple

    Highly recommend as your quick go-to app.
  • Good

    Minimal, simple and convenient
  • Simple and Easy

    Clear, concise, and easy to use. I've had this app for a few years and it's always been great. Definitely worth the price for premium because it does what you need and stays out of its own way. Keep up the good work!
  • The Best: Unsolicited review

    Tl;Dr: If you need to compare currencies, this is the one to get. Very clean, functional, and easy to use. Has a great widget.

    The developer has switched to a free version with an in-app purchase to get people to try out the app. It's a good idea, but as a consumer, I would have preferred two apps, with one as the free model, and one as the play model, with importation of data from the free app. But that's just my preference. He is doing right by the people who had picked up the app on the old model, by marking their accounts as Premium. A good way to treat people. I also love the new Night Mode for the app.
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  • Excellent App.

    This app is a must have for anyone that has a need to convert currencies. It has a very classy and simple interface that's a pleasure to use. With the addition of the calculator in the most recent update, it's just that much better and makes converting a breeze.

    I feel like the widget can be improved upon and if there was an option for voice input and integration with Siri that would be sick. Automatic night mode for premium users would be nice.

    Overall, I highly recommend it.
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  • Great addition in new update

    The calculator and dark mode are great additions to a very helpful app. I would recommend this app to anyone traveling or managing budgets in multiple currencies.

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