User Reviews: MMMMental health test

Top reviews

  • A mess

    It’s cool for a “quick” laugh but the amount of ads is insane, I download my fair share of free apps so I’m no stranger to adds but a 20 question quiz should not have 20 ads. The quiz is also difficult to understand, which I will give to any translation issues but the options are just pictures with no text so the question being worded strange isn’t the issue just the fact I have no clue what answers I’m selecting. It is even harder to answer when 6/20 questions have a blank answer, I’m not sure if the question is meant to be 3 or 2 choices or if the photos won’t show. Over all it’s not a good app but is worth getting if you want anime girls to tell you you’re two faced, ugly, or have a strange fetish??? I good laugh if you can make it through a single quiz.
  • dude-

    its fine but tone it down on the ads
  • My grandma

    This killed my grandma:/
  • Lord.

    Praying that no one un ironically downloaded this
  • Garbage

    This game has no substance, constant ads, and doesn’t even make sense. You’ll click on one test and the results don’t match up.
  • Bruh

    Bruh there is so much ads like
  • Wow


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