Welcome to your new shopping hub!
By using this platform, you can find and purchase any item you want, at the locations closest to you and make bookings for taxis, air trips, car rentals and more. Items can be purchased, reserved or saved for later, and delivered to your preferred destination.
Be rest assured that you will do the following by using this platform;
Support your local businesses - We have partnered up with a constantly growing number of businesses excited to provide you with all the items you desire. We are working hard to bridge the gap between convenience and accessibility for all local businesses.
Get the items you want, how you want - You now have the freedom and security to choose how to get the items you want. With a state-of-the-art delivery system, you can have your food, grocery and parcels delivered to your door from any business. If your delivery is local, you have the chance to receive your items on the same or the next day. Reserve your items for in-store pickup with all participating businesses by either paying in advance or when you get there.
All payments are handled with extreme care through a secure payment gateway separate from the app. Your payment information is never stored on our app for added security and peace of mind.
Your local deliveries made easy - Using our local delivery system, you will get notifications based on when the driver is heading to the pickup location, when your packages have been picked up, and when it has arrived. Step-by-step delivery messaging has never been so simple.
View tailored promotions - By adding items to your favourites, you will be able to receive featured promotions relating to your list of favourite items. Always be in the loop on which promotions are happening closest to you!
Join now and start shopping and supporting local businesses on the most inclusive platform!
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