User Reviews: Hunting Sniper

Hunting Sniper
Hunting Sniper

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Fun game but turns meh 🫤

    Pros: -fun and interactive -good engagement w/ 1v1 -decent variety of game to hunt -good graphics and decent ui/experience Cons: -To be competitive you have to spend $ and it becomes prohibitively expensive… -the advertising looks nothing like the game -needs more ammo variety -needs more terrain and more hunting scenarios -typos and grammatical mistakes all over the game. You need to edit your spelling and sentences as you’re supposed to be a premium game and it looks second rate -predatory upgrade model traps the user into buying gems at exorbitant prices for little gain low options of use. You can’t pick your guns outright and have to earn the unlock then you can upgrade on merit only. Gun upgrades are kind of left to chance. This progression is stupid slow. This model leaves the user with little incentive to stay loyal to the platform and repeat business. Management needs to retool this model if they want to scale, seed repeat clients, and have more predictable returns. The coins are basically useless as the currency of choice are gems. I loved this game and spent well over $100 on it bc I enjoyed it in the beginning. However, after a few weeks I realized that it’s really just about the money. We need more bang for our buck. Get your act together and listen to your customer feedback if you want to remain relevant and competitive.
  • Great fun game but some issues need fixing

    So far I love playing this game. I haven’t spent a dime and I’m on tour 11. I save my gems and buy 45 clips of butcher bullets, apex cost was too many gems. I’m close to tour 12. One thing I have a major issue with is I have a rifle maxed out and the game keeps giving me more points for it, it’s almost at 200 but pointless because it’s maxed out. Once a rifle is maxed out those chests should not give anymore for that rifle it’s taking away points for other rifles to upgrade, that’s super annoying and unfair. Sometimes the gameplay is a little strange and people hit shots that make no sense on how it travels, it looks like the bullet literally will move up or down and sway to hit the spot. Other than that I do love playing the game I’m hoping not to run into any issues that make you spend money because that will end the fun.
  • Could be 5 star but not yet

    I love the game, I really do. I was HOOKED when I first downloaded it. But 5-6 later I grinded my way to tour 15 and realized that’s it. The game needs more. Now I’m sitting with 50 billion coins and only receive the same guns in packs. Like stop giving me 30+ as50 it’s maxed and I have 3000 extras. I don’t need the gun anymore. Once it’s maxed it shouldn’t be in packs anymore. We need more tours for chances to earn the better epic and rare guns. We need higher wages. I’m playing 300 million coin games when I have 50 billion. At that point I don’t even care if I lose. That’s what make the game fun. The risk of losing everything. We need billion coin wages. Go to 20 tours. Last tour should be 100 billion coins to enter and the pack only drop epics. Give us something to work for. Not grind the game for a week and can’t do anything after that.
  • It’s a cash grab

    It’s an addicting game, it’s fun to hunt, but it’s pay to win. The game features a lot of broken English which is hilarious but not professional in the slightest. The game forces you to use the coins that you win in each match to pay for entry, every match is a gamble, and as you move up in the game you have to double down, paying more and more for higher level matches. The game then pits you against players who paid for better weapons that give them better scores and better accuracy. It’s a scummy system that isn’t warranted or needed in 2023. Why are people still paying for these sorts of games?

    If you like hunting and have extra money to spend on an app, you’ll enjoy this game, otherwise you’ll only be able to play this until you get placed against players with better equipment, then you’ll lose enough matches to lose all of your coins for entry and you’ll have to watch tons of add videos over the course of a few days or spend real money to be able to play again.

    Consensus: It’s a fun game with scummy developers that uses an outdated scummy pay to win feature as most app games do all too well. Not worth your time or money, one of which, you will lose between adds/buying gear or coins.
  • Fun and great graphics

    I just started playing and it is a lot of fun. The graphics are really good and the controls are easy to use. The only issue I have is I feel the game is set up where you need to spend money to continue with tour 4. I was playing really good tours 1-3 and as soon I hit tour 4 I can’t seem to progress, I have played many games that start out just like this so if you are someone who likes to spend a lot of money on games then definitely download but if your someone like me who will occasionally spend real money only if I feel I can progress far in a game then I’m on the fence with if I will continue to play cause honestly I have been playing tour 4 for 6 hours and the highest I can get is to a 13 trophy count all while my shots are right at the point of a perfect shot but the game barely gives it to me while my opponent is making ridiculous shots I’m starting to feel this game is just another scam to get your money and only when you spend so much will you advance. I’m still going to give it a go but if I don’t see me advancing or my opponents making ridiculous shots while mine “just miss” I’ll prob delete and try something new so will see
  • Montea happy

    This game needs different competitive modes and also needs more variety of predators. Maybe add some prehistoric predators for an event for a ton of coins so you can build an exciting community. Also there needs to be less waiting times for you to move up in the rookie ladder I’ve been waiting to weeks and yet haven’t been able to get out of the rookie stages. I am at 700 million coins at this point I’d like to think I’d be a lot higher by now at least masters.
  • Overall awesome game but…

    Out of 5 stars two are lost… one is because it needs more levels… 2 is because you continue to get guns you have maxed out, but get nothing for them, and you NEVER get the top guns every! I have 40 billion and don’t have any of the top guns been playing the highest level for months. The 3 stars I did represent how fun the game is, and the fact it’s a rare totally free game “if you want it to be” over all I recommend the game, but please give us something for all these guns we keep getting. Let us upgrade them to another higher level gun if the same class convert them or something.
  • Best Hunting Game

    This is with out a doubt the best and most realistic hunting game ever! Hunting is like real world with numerous obstacles. Fast action, Great graphics, and a lot like real world hunting. Well done guys!!

    I just don’t understand the number of players that just quit if they’re behind. What happened to competition? What happened to don’t give up? Is this a product of being taught that everyone gets a trophy? I am at highest level tour and during matches, I see about 70% who don’t finish. Come on folks! It’s a competition to the end.
  • Big money grab!!

    So this game does a few things right. Graphics, gameplay, matchmaking, ads if you want to watch them and fun. The shorting comings..if you spend zero dollars on this app they track your free gems. If the app sees you getting close to opening other than a free weapons case, it raises the cost of the cases in the market tab. I was set to open a legendary case at a cost of 910 gems. I had 700. Came back to grind some matches and would you look at that the legendary case now costs 1100 gems. Fine grind some more games and get to 1000 gems. Legendary case now costs 1300 gems! It’s a great way to keep you plying but what they really want is your cash.
  • Compelling and entertaining

    I enjoy the competition. It is a good app. I had ranked around 472 as a level two player, having logged more than 1,000,000 points. I tried to accelerate through the ads to open up the silver chests before calling it a night and one lousy stinking advertisement bypass button malfunctioned and caused my account to go black with no way to back out or override it. I thought I had lost all my achievements and all that I worked for in the past several weeks of playing because of one funky advertisement glitch. I tried looking for other games but this one seemed to be the best out there. So instead of being discouraged, I tried to start over and secure my account afresh with Facebook! Because I had just recently secured my original account with Facebook, I was able to login instead of starting over. Everything is back to normal. Yeehaw!

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