Green New Deal Simulator User Reviews

Top reviews

  • Fun but too hard

    I love the visuals and gameplay but it is too difficult. I feel like there should be different difficulty levels, I’ve tried so many strategies and can never win.
  • A lot jokes meant as insults

    Not really a fan
  • Should be labeled as propaganda or extremely biased

    I’m usually not one to write reviews or even care about the contents of a game. This however is really kind of gross. I understand that not everyone is going to have the same ideas and genuinely appreciate that we have different ideas and views. This “game” is so steeped in our modern political nonsense though. Even the name “green new deal” is directly coming from modern politics. This isn’t normally something I’d have an issue with but I wonder how many kids will/have played this game and they have no context on the climate discussion. This is a nuanced discussion and yet the game treats it as if it’s clear cut. I don’t know, that just doesn’t sit right with me. I would find it odd if the proverbial shoe was on the other foot and the game had the opposite political biases too. I genuinely think this game needs some kind of disclaimer because unfortunately there are going to be some young kids that are trying to formulate their own ideas and this game almost seems designed to influence them. At least if the game had a disclaimer that acknowledged it’s own biases and severe lack of nuance children might just be able to have fun with the game without being influenced by misinformation.
  • Another great sim game from this developer

    Love this game, loved Democratic Socialism Simulator, and love the tease of another potential future sim game at the end of this one. Great job and keep it up, comrade!
  • finally a new paolo game!

    love it. fun and challenging while still making its statement
  • Fun and Strategic Exploration of Green Energy

    First game was about learning the ropes, even though I thought I had won on the very last turn. I wasn’t able to win the subsequent games even though I came very close. I thought that might be part of the message, that winning isn’t guaranteed and even if you do, it will be very, very close. But that’s not the case.

    You really need to think about geographical differences and limitations and build around them, as well as how to maximize certain cards when they are most useful. Electrification Program has diminishing returns after each region gets it once or twice, and you’ll need to use a combination of other cards to eliminate the last bits of natural gas and heating (red) in some regions. some regions will not be major energy producers and will be more dependent on the surplus produced by other regions. Public Transportation is good in urban regions, but rural ones will benefit much more from Electric Vehicle infrastructure. Some regions are more at risk for high unemployment because of their ties to fossil fuel industries. The game encourages you to see how all the pieces fit together to keep development going smoothly without to many region conflicts.

    Very fun, I can now win consistently with a decent amount of time left. Still haven’t done a play through pursuing nuclear fusion tech tho to see if it’s even viable…
  • Strategy game

    This is a great game. I oike that its actually kind of difficult . Itd be nice if there was a way to review hold cards without having your thumb blocking the card. And if you could tap away the sbarky comments so they dont block the board. Those are so small though. This is actually a really great game
  • Yes you can win

    Another review asked if you could win and yes it is possible. Don’t get tricked by fission and focus on enhancing the electrical grid as your number one priority. Consider the job program card a warning you might not be able to recover from.
  • No wins

    No wins after 10+ plays…but maybe that’s the point?
  • Instant molleindustria classic! 10/10

    I learned more about potential approaches to combatting climate change and the contents of the green new deal legislation from this game than anywhere else on the internet or news. It’s also a genuinely a fun and addictive game. Overall another brilliant use of fun app games as a medium for engaging with complex topics by molleindustria. Huge fan.

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