User Reviews: Crossword Jam+

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  • Version 1.8.2 broken

    Yesterday I updated to the latest version of the game (1.8.2), and now the game won’t open on my iPad anymore. When I try to open the game, an empty black screen displays for a split-second then minimizes - it doesn’t even make it as far as the Apple Arcade logo. The App Store page still lists my device as compatible, and I’ve tried closing every other app and restarting my device.

    I had been enjoying playing daily up until now, so I tried switching to an older version installed on a different iOS device under the same account, but the game does not fully sync. The second device shows the correct level and coins balance, but does not have my hints balance (should be over 470) or reflect that I have earned all the badges (the second device shows Knowledge Score Earned, Countries Traveled and Words Made in a Streak as earned, but shows Unique Words Found, Days Played in a Row and Dr. Hoot’s Puzzles Solved as unearned).

    Before the update, this was a four-star game for me. Mostly enjoyable, but with some repetitiveness in puzzle word choices and the occasional annoyance of random common words missing from the dictionary.

    Developer Response

    We appreciate your feedback. We have addressed the issue you faced in our previous update. Please download the latest update from the store and keep Word Jamming. Thanks for your patience!
  • Update introduced bugs

    Note for the developers: the latest update (1.8.2) has introduced a couple bugs. The spinner no longer works, nothing happens if you try to click it. And the dictionary in between puzzles also no longer works. Again, you can tap on it but nothing happens.

    Other than the new bugs from the latest update it’s a good game. Fun way to waste some time and decompress after a day of obligations.
  • Well enough time distraction

    It’s a bit weird to play cause while it says English I’m pretty sure the dictionary they’re using is British English. Cause while some words I get like can’t isn’t there but cant is because it’s a word for a secret slang. But snog versus yall. I can’t remember if it accepts colour or color, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

    I’d also like some more concrete boundaries between adult words that are allowed and which aren’t.

    Overall the game is a good fit for Apple Arcade not something I’m playing to get a high score on or heavily competing with but something I can kill a few minutes of my day with.
  • It doesn’t include all words!

    There are many words that doesn’t have in its dictionary or vocabulary. Example: “Satins” is a word! And it doesn’t include names of “most” cities, countries, or rivers etc.. It will allow “can’t” without the apostrophe. But not “it’s” or most other words that use apostrophes. And it reuses words very repeatedly. Maybe it’s for a reason. They definitely need to expand their knowledge and word base. I believe that I’m almost to level 2700, and the puzzles got a lot fewer words to complete. Also after you get to a certain level it jumps from getting bonus tokens every 20 puzzles to 40! I believe after level 200. You have to be a psychic to predict the owl bones puzzles to earn stars and very few coins! Example: they use a bunch of random 4 letter words and half of them have the same last letter or first letter! And you have to guess which one goes where in the order they pick randomly with an owl jumping around! BTW “danish” is a word but for some reason it won’t allow me to use it!
  • Lacking and lazy

    I’m now on my 31st country in this game. A few countries back the new country pictures went away. The pics in that circle when it shows you the new country you’ve made it to. Glitch or just lazy developers? Each country is 20 levels at this point in the game (and rewards are the same). Scrolling up I see that they’ve increased yet again the number of levels per country. Hahaha. I agree with one of the other reviewers when he suspected that the game developers are lazy and simply added more levels to wear the participant down, in hopes that they will just quit. There is FAR TOO LITTLE REWARD. I enjoy finding words (although plenty of words are missing from this game), but if you’re going to increase the time it takes to advance, INCREASE the REWARD! This is basic 101 gamesmanship common sense. I’m about to delete this game for the simple fact that these developers seem to be incredibly lazy. This version existing on the arcade is probably simply advertisement for their version outside of the apple arcade where they flood the user with adds and sales pitches.
  • Crossword puzzle

    I found this on Apple Arcade.
    A delight to play a game without in-app purchases.
    I have been playing for several months and there is a serious flaw in the programming.
    I am at the level on my own knowledge no thanks to the game that only .33% of players reach.
    On the daily spin to acquire coins, (which are an integral aspect of the game)
    You “WIN” the coins but they NEVER EVER ARE CREDITED TO YOUR SCORE.
    It is frustrating and unfair to many who count on the extra help to purchase clues.
    I would have given this a Five Star Rating had it not been for this insidious glitch.
    Don’t offer the reward if you are not going to fulfill your pledge!!!!
    Please fix the bug in your design and give a fair chance to all to enjoy this game. It is a great opportunity to keep the brain healthy and alert. This is minor but an aggravating factor that should have been addressed three months ago the last time I brought this to your attention.
    Thank you.
  • Losing hope in a game I once found fun.

    This game was fun. I'm a big fan of word search games and initially I (and sometimes friends that would see me playing and join in) was enjoying myself playing it. By nature, it's a long game. You're traveling the world country by country. Each country consists of 20 word search games. You complete your 20, you move on to the next country. And then, around the thousandth word search, the game arbitrarily changed the rules and DOUBLED the amount of word searches you have to play before completing a country. So suddenly a game you were feeling a sense of accomplishment about completing takes all the joy you had, away.

    And even if I understood doubling the word searches, I do not understand why the prizes remain the same. I'm already subscribed to Apple Arcade, why are you being stingy with the prizes? There should be more incentives to play the game, unless, maybe the developers aren't looking for players to get to the end. Maybe this is supposed to wear us down. In that case, they're getting pretty close. The fun is fading and I don't know how much longer I'll keep investing in a game that gives me LESS in return.
  • Addictive but strange word choices

    I’ve played way, way too many rounds of this game. Overall, it’s a nice, relaxing game that just barely makes you use your brain. The one odd thing is word choices - you will be helped if you have a slightly religious bent (Eden comes up a lot, as do some other common Bible words). Also, most of the time, plurals aren’t matches, except when they are, so always try them out (they loves “peas”). And seriously, devs - what the heck is up with “pask”? Some everyday words in common use will never match but “pask”, an alternate spelling of the Middle English “pasch” meaning “Easter” (that Bible stuff again) is a match. Really - “pask”? Only because I know French (Pâques is Easter) did I have a clue what it might mean.
  • It would be a five out of five but….

    In the daily puzzle where you have to solve where the owl is, it is infinitely frustrating when you have an empty puzzle, the first letter of the word, and you spell the word that’s elsewhere on the puzzle, with the same amount of slots for example you start the puzzle with a H and two remain slots with the owl in the middle to the right of the H so you spell the word hot and it lands else where on the puzzle so than you spell hen and the owl moves now it’s a four letter word and the owl is next to a s so you have to guess is it going to be shoe or shot, it’s very lame and I think unintentional please fix the it.
  • Really good game!!

    It is a really good game!! Just one thing they could fix. They have a daily puzzle, where you have to get the owl. Although, when you are doing it, it could be any word. It has lots of words, but the owl is only on one. It doesn’t really give you any hints and I feel they could just have you solve the daily puzzle. Other than that, it’s a really good game. It’s relaxing and takes stress off of you. For me, it makes me sleepy and has a good challenge once you progress into the game. I recommend this game to anyone who likes a relaxing and challenging game. It is fun and you go arms the world, going to different places. I love this and it is great. Hints are cheap, which is nice when you really can’t get a word. So in conclusion, it is a fun and relaxing game. I love it and hope whoever else has it loves it too.