User Reviews: Counter

Top reviews

  • 1/5

    Do not bother downloading this app unless you have money to waste. I could not get past SIX clicks before getting redirected to a screen forcing me to upgrade. If I could rate lower, I would.
  • Not Free

    You get limited interactions in the app before there’s an unavoidable “Upgrade to pro” pop up that stops you from using it anymore unless you want to spend 3.99 a week
  • Bait And Switch

    It allows you to use for a little while, and then out of the blue requires you to pay for the app before continuing to use it. I’m okay with paying for an app that I really find value in, but I hate it when an app pretends to be free instead of being up-front about giving you a trial period.
  • Should be ZERO stars

    Disgraceful you have the audacity to charge so much for a service that is free literally everywhere else.
  • A subscription to this?

    Really? A subscription price on an app that counts up by 1. I hope nobody is dumb enough to pay for this.
  • money hungry.

    I wish I can give this app 0 stars. I downloaded this app 2 weeks ago and made a counter, used it and counted to ten. Today I came back and tried to access the counter, I had to pay. Okay that’s fine, let me make a new one, I STILL HAD TO PAY. ( also.. the free counters can only go to 15, and the prices for unlimited counters make 0 sense.) 😂😂
  • Can only use if you pay.

    Might as well charge for the app and not waste my time letting me think I could do anything for free.
  • It’s dumb

    You use it once and it makes you pay to use again. You can’t use it for more than one list without paying. Kinda dumb to charge 5 bucks a month to count something:/
  • Only counts to 44

    Cool until you want to count past 44, then you have to pay… lame
  • False advertising

    Hidden information, app designer should tell you up front that the free app only allows one counter. You have to pay have multiple counters. Not worth paying these exorbitant rates just to avoid carrying around a pen and notebook.