User Reviews: Counter

Top reviews

  • Why

    Features as a whole are great. But why do you need to charge us after doing 3 things? There’s no point to an app if no one can use it.
  • Scam

    How can you expect people to pay $18 or a monthly subscription for a rally app an absolute joke
  • Limited Free Version

    You can only use make 5 actions in the app before it forces you to get a monthly subscription for an app that adds 1 to a count.

    Literally, just open a text editor and write this to make your own app,

    int counter = 0;

    <button (onClick(plus))>+ Count<button>
    <button (onClick(minus)>- Count<button>

    Public int onClick(string operator){
    if(operator == plus){
    elseif(operator == minus){
    cout >> “how did you mess that up?” >> end
    throw new error(e whatAnError);