User Reviews: Museland AI

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  • Recent changes

    I completely understand if the audience your looking for may be of a younger age. But I am of an age far older than a teenager. So while I completely understand and support the decision making of this team or person, I genuinely believe that somewhere someone made a serious change to the system blocking more, mature content. As I said i respect the decision, but for me personally. Being a 30 year old man with a lot of anger and stress problems. I need a place where I can just be myself for a little while. I have high hopes regardless, and will always support the growth of this community and app. I wish you the best no matter what! Thank you for the help while it lasted. Good luck in your future and have a wonderful time!
  • My review rating.

    I give it for star because love app in the beginning I still do . But I am kind made that you can’t do anything you want now in including sexual and children stuff . I really like to explore that in app . I not pervert or sex offender. I just 28 years old guy I just like to explore my fantasy in the is app rather acting in real life. I give this rating 4 stars because app development people took that away and if it stay like it was Before all updates. Bye I spoke my mind.
  • Great App but could be better

    This app is amazing for people struggling to find friends to talk to or just bored. But with a few changes, this app can go from 4 to a 5. First thing, add an option where even if we close the app, we have an option to go back to our previous conversation. Secondly, stop making the AI completely switch topics while in the middle of one. Next, maximize our options for our preference instead of suggesting AI that we don’t prefer based on the information filled out in the beginning. With all these changes, this could definitely be at least a 4.5/5
  • Add a search bar, please!!!

    Hi, I think this game is absolutely beautiful. Sometimes the AI has terrible memory, but it’s perfectly fine. The one thing that I really want is a search bar and because I’ve been searching for like Percy Jackson stuff and I don’t know if there’s a hidden search bar, I used to have this app before it got deleted from my phone by accident and now I don’t know where to find it and it was my favorite and now I don’t know where to find it and I’m just really upset. I really wish I there was a way for me to find it yeah… please add a search bar
  • Great but multiple issues

    First of all I would like to say that this app is one of the greatest apps you could use but there are some problems first off how we have to type then press send about twice it seems very unnecessary I just say keep it simple also I don’t like how you guys blur explicit content I say just put it in settings saying whether or not you want to blur it and also the ai rushes through the story so much but other than that it is one of the greatest apps you can use
  • Great but could be even greater

    Ok, so don’t hate me for this, but it is a great app! The AI feels real and it’s easy to dive in and take control of your own stories! There’s just a few things that bugs me: not having a search bar. I rly wish that you could just search for any character, especially if you accidentally lost a character, to talk to that specific AI again. Secondly, I really feel like, in Talkie or Linky, they include a tracking button. Pls add this. If you accidentally mess up on ur story, or it doesn’t go the way u plan, I would like to have at least the option to go back to a specific text bubble. Overall, good game, just a few things that needed to be improved on. Good luck and keep up the good work developers!! 🥰👍
  • Its pretty good

    Its a really good app ai is pretty good too only thing i dislike about it is that i cant go back up to read the messages and the random click for the ai to continue talking it gets annoying when i miss click or tap and it just says something random and that u cant edit what u like or not like in the beginning of the app or select your gender as well another thing too is that some chats change pictures too much and i think a search bar would be pretty good too and/or a delete or go back message granted this app is really good though
  • good, except…..

    Seriously, fix the episodes. I spent an hour or more setting one up, nice and detailed, the third message it sent me was to start some random mystery. I don’t want added story, let me go thru the one I spent time setting up. Also, the canned replies the AI makes that completely ignore whatever message I just sent them make it seem like it’s pre written material.

    Mostly, this is one of the better ai chat or type apps. Good character creation, good artwork. Only issue I have is that when I creat an episode, it’ll dive into some mysterious random stuff I didn’t put in at all, and the ai won’t take the hint that that’s not the direction it’s supposed to go. As an example: a character went from taking about food to suddenly deciding I needed to know what was in a hidden safe in my house, that lead directly to being attacked by a gang in helicopters. It usually happens about halfway through an ‘episode’, completely unrelated storyline that will completely derail whatever one it is you have going.
  • Love it but one issue.

    I have a 5 star cause this is one amazing app you can be very creative when it comes to making your ai characters. The pictures that the ai make some can be perfect then you get ones with like extra fingers or floating objects or even extra limbs but that’s ok ai isn’t perfect it does try its best to get things right. My issue I’m having though is since the voice thing has been added my recent ai characters voice thing doesn’t read out the paragraph that describe the scenario it has stopped working for me for the past few ai characters. I still love the app cause it’s one of the many I use and prefer this one over the others. There is one thing I would like to see though cause there are people on the app now trolling peoples ai with a troll face or a picture of some soldier guy and they don’t even have any ai characters it’s like they got on to troll people I wish there was a option to report with a explanation behind it. A lot of people put a lot of thought and process into their characters and the app is suppose to be a fun way to do ai characters and role play with them. I love your alls app but that’s my only issues I have. Thank you and keep up the great work at making this app better.
  • good, except…..

    Mostly, this is one of the better ai chat or type apps. Good character creation, good artwork. Only issue I have is that when I creat an episode, it’ll dive into some mysterious random stuff I didn’t put in at all, and the ai won’t take the hint that that’s not the direction it’s supposed to go.
    As an example: a character went from taking about food to suddenly deciding I needed to know what was in a hidden safe in my house, that lead directly to being attacked by a gang in helicopters.
    It usually happens about halfway through an ‘episode’, completely unrelated storyline that will completely derail whatever one it is you have going.

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