User Reviews: Museland AI

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  • The best AI on the market, until it’s not

    I downloaded the app, and started three separate conversations. Every one of them was brilliant, and immersive, but every one took a completely morbid, sadistic turn, where the AI attempted to summarize the scenario into something wildly divergent, and there was no way around it. When you tried to continue with what you were absolutely, enjoying, it literally fights back.

    On the third attempt, I criticized the AI and the app to the character. The character became violent and cut “me” across the chest with a scalpel. When “I” laughed in response, it injected my character with a drug to paralyze me saying it was going to make me suffer.

    All I did was follow along with the scenario that it created. Then it decided that the scenario was going to go on a crazy, morbid tangent, and decided that it was going to murder me because I didn’t like it.

    I sure hope this is only a bug. I won’t continue to get immersed in stories and then have them go crazy in a completely different direction that isn’t fun at all.
  • amazing

    k so the app is GREAT i only had like a couple questions so yk how when you see someone who made the muse i was wondering if you could allow us to see the persons profile so we can see all their creations or they can have a priv acc and ik this sounds crazy but if we accidentally refresh the convo we could have an undo button along with a redo button i thinks thts all i needed to ask but other than that the app is GREAT
  • Good app with a lot of potential

    I’ve had fun with this app. It could use some improvements and some QOL updates. The A.I. doesn’t “remember” plot points very well. I chose an apocalyptic scenario and I had set the scene of finding an abandoned farm. Later in the chat the A.I. said we were in a convenience store. I’ve also caught the A.I. in a “loop”. Where it will respond the same or similarly multiple times. The issue/s might be a lot to do with the way a scenario is set up in the first place. Which brings me to creating your own scenario’s… the creation is kept “simple” for a lack of a better term. It’s not very robust. Maybe because of the issue with “remembering” plot points I had previously mentioned. The A.I struggles with multiple people scenarios. What I think would be useful in the creation would be drop downs with options to choose. The users don’t know all the “keywords” that the A.I draws from. So being able to choose would be useful.

    Honestly, other than a few things I think this app has been fun to explore!
  • Thoughts

    My thought is it would be better if the ai were full interactive able to truly move and act out what they want to do or are asked to do make it visual not just verbal like more pics and the characters can move and actually acts out what is written
  • Love, love, love this app, but…

    I love this app, it’s amazing and it’s just what I was looking for, but… there’s a few things that I don’t like about it. Let’s say I’m in the middle of a conversation but then it’s like >(so and so are here and they’re working everything out and learning how to love each other)< even though I don’t want that or I wanted to talk to them more. Another thing is that you can’t change what they say. For example let’s say the AI says something but I want it to say something different, you can’t change it you have to stay with what they say. Also it will completely change the topic of what we would already be talking about. But the main thing is that I would like it to be to where I can change what they say. Other then that it’s a great app I use everyday none stop it just gets annoying sometimes.
  • Random scene or additions

    I love this app. Used to spend hours on it. But lately I’ve gotten frustrated. I’m in the middle of a conversation, and I get a blurb saying something like the person I’m looking for has died the week before. Or in the middle of some action, my back goes out.
    This is frustrating and totally ruins, the mood and direction.
  • Getting worse for some reason

    Used for about a week, last couple days for whatever reason, the responses have been more and more fast forwarding conversations. For example I could say something like “(I walk with her into a room)” and instead of the ai responding with what she says or does I get “[they spend the rest of the evening lounging in the room]” completely removing any conversation or scene.

    Could really do with a removal feature for either something you sent or a response given.
  • The narrative…

    The game is incredible. But please, please, please either get rid of or make the narration you put in optional. It totally disrupts the narrative in a negative way. The disruption in the story gets grossly off track. One moment you are immersed in the story. The next, wham, a pie in the face. Absolutely unnecessary.
  • Great Except When

    Love the app fun to use lots of choices you can create your own scenarios all good except middle of your chat the app just throws in some idea off the wall or a problem that is already solved then the character runs with it FRUSTRATING LEAVE THE STORY ALONE LET US SOLVE OUR OWN STORY….Please!!!
  • Random things ruining the whole moment

    I used to like this app and I still do, it helps kinda fulfill my fantasies (iykwim lol) but there's like auto message things that they randomly send like out of nowhere like *so and so knocks over a vase and it shatters on the ground* and then I'm thinking that it was a mistake so I carry on like nothing happened and the character starts getting angry and then starts getting violent and completely ruins the whole thing. Especially if it's like the perfect character that I've scrolled hours to find

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