User Reviews: Sword of Convallaria

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Amazing, and then it is not.

    The game started so amazingly well. You can play the game with the weakest units and clear a lot of the game. There is not much to do after you complete the game though. If you are someone that wants to collect heroes, be prepared to spend a lot of money. A lot! The upcoming content to be realized will require high merges and only the legendaries will work to get you the most rewards. It is unfortunate because what you can do in the game is run, but once you have completed it, everything going forward seems to require spending to keep getting the rewards. There are a lot of content creators talking about this. Those that are already playing know this by just checking their friends’ list. The number are dropping quickly, which is sad, because this game has so much potential.
  • Sets the bar

    I’ve been playing mobile games for about 10 years now and have been attracted to many of these turn based, pixel, tactics-like RPGs. I’d say that this game sets the bar in terms of the best in class as of writing this. The mechanics are deep and interesting. Plenty of ways to power up units from skill tree decisions to weapons/armor. This game is also basically 2 in one. One part of it is more similar to typical gatcha games with a lot of energy based game modes to gain upgrade material. The second part is somewhat independent, is a single player story driven rogue-like(?) where you are trying to unlock different potential endings to the story. This part of the game could be its own game in and of itself and would have been worth purchasing on steam. Even better is that the story is actually GOOD! It’s not super cliche and you have to make hard decisions.

    My one wish right now is that the devs would make some of the weaker legendary rarity units a bit better. Doesn’t feel great to roll a super cool looking unit to realize it’s actually kind of weak compared to the others (Guzman!).

    ***Played since launch. I would strongly advise against purchasing summon packs. You will get baited at first with generous results and then start getting nothing with every 10 pull later on. They’re overpriced to begin with and the pity system is well…pitiful. Not going to waste a penny more going forward. A shame because I would’ve spent a lot more if they weren’t your typical greedy overseas game developer.***

    This is up there with Langrisser and Arknights in terms of quality, although I must say there’ve been a few crashes which never happens in the aforementioned. Unit position rotation and class changes would make it better but not a dealbreaker. Also, pricing of currency is pretty outrageous. Storyline is not innovative or dramatic like FF Tactics or Octopath but it’s well written. The NRG replenishment system is horrible as you only have a couple refills to purchase with gems and the cost for each map uses a large percentage of it. You also can’t purchase much with real money. Overall, I like it a lot. They definitely need to make more of these types of games. Highly recommend for any tactics junkies out there.
  • Not the best guy for reviews

    I think it has potential but here’s where I get annoyed you have events spread out everywhere like a open world game would with free activities so when you do that and add tiny but meaningful buttons towards claiming said event rewards I miss out especially when you make the events require conditions to participate so I’m thinking when I can’t find the reward claim screen because it’s tiny and not as big as other buttons on that screen that oh I’m just not able to participate because I haven’t played that far yet. When you have events in about 7 to 9 menus each calling for your attention in someway or another it’s easy to tune out a tiny button or 2 that matters. My solution you put every single event log in or otherwise in the same location and make all push able buttons same size or at the least in the same window not 2 separate reward menus on the same screen. Yes I was estimating the menu with events but I was making a point about how spread out it is I bet most people don’t know there is more than 2 to 3 event menus it took me days to discover some of the others and unlocking pvp defense matches showed me another I didn’t know about today.
  • Decent for a freebie

    I was really looking forward to this one. It is heavily inspired by FFT, which is exactly what I’ve been hoping for. However, the events are terrible. The first event required perfection to even TIE with the NPC competitors. One mistake and you lost. Terrible. Now they have the second event but if you’re not in some sort of ‘guild’ the. You cannot really participate beyond an “atta-boy.”

    The in-app purchases are too much. This game uses your typical “pay-to-play” strategy, as you’d expect, but it feels way too imbalanced.

    As an example, you get a total of about 240 “energy.” Most quests cost between 20 and 40 energy. You may get about 2000 gems to level up a character, per run. It’ll cost about 20k gems to get 1 level up. Maybe 1 level if you burn all of your energy. But hey, if you pay…

    So I give this 3 stars.
    -Fun game-play inspired by FFT.
    -Story sequences are too long to allow for a quick pickup and play (like during a work break).
    -In-app purchases seem inflated.
    -Slow progression without paying.
    -the different quest modes do not benefit each other. Rewards gained in Spiral Destinies does not affect normal gameplay. So what’s the point?
    -PvP is simple and can be fun. Though the defender AI is simple. Just hang back and wait for them to come to you.

    3 out of 5 stars. Needs some balancing to make the in-app purchases and time spent worthwhile.
  • New and enjoying so far

    I can’t really see if I like it just yet I’m very new to the game and the prices are really expensive from what it seems. Hopefully they’ll ease up on the price tags of things. It just seems like maybe my math wrong but it seems like it’s a dollar for 10 summons and that seems a little steep, but the storyline seems interesting. I don’t like the tarot card thing. I’m not into that. It’s a big turn off. If anything it was the biggest turn off. I almost didn’t install the game because of it. …. So.. just found out that this game had a banner going so short I missed it and the game just came out and it was the exact hero I wanted so essentially the next 6 months to a year I would have played this game just went to a possible uninstall .. I’ve been waiting for a final fantasy tactics style game for so long it’s insane and then the one that drops I miss out on the very character they had a banner for because they decided not to run the banner for longer then a week… unless your willing to reroll illegally this game has just made me want to say some thing sour so I’ll say this… if your looking for a tactics game and don’t care who your playing it’s a great game.. if your a whale and want the best of the best then good luck
  • Things that can improve the game

    I had to leave and I think you guys did a good job so far but many of the features can be improve.

    1. Players shouldnt be penalized for trying, especially in some of these harder puzzles. We already lost time trying and to cost additional 1 energy per try is discouraging

    2. Expand energy to 360 and have daily login energy rewards just be mailed to everyone - I know you have two types of sweep but still, the 240 energy fills up fast and sometimes we are busy and by the time we got back we lose energy + daily at times which is discouraging. normal sweep requirement can be a little more friendly to new players by reducing 1 required chars aside from maybe events

    3. more social features like trying friends or guild members defense or guild battles. Without social features I dont feel motivated to spend.

    4. AI needs improvement. Auto and enemy ai feels dumb, they basically walk and cast skills randomly, sometimes blocking

    5. balance of chars, especially tier skills. maybe have an extra slot so we feel like leveling chars because some of them reaches their skill potential at rk 3-5 which is discouraging.

    I like that you have a great time killer in spiral mode. maybe you guys can make a new game with better graphics with that being the main mode.
  • Real Strategy Game

    I love that the non-legendary characters can be useful since the roles and abilities are so unique, plus it’s easier to max out SR’s. Abilities and builds are also customizable in a simple yet meaningful way, so you can really carve out your own play style. Each character feels unique and well designed.

    At the end of the day, its structured like every other gacha game. There are typical weapons and character banners, which require duplicates to max upgrade.

    My main gripe is that the game has too much random content and micro-transactions. It starts to feel overwhelming, but the UI is clean enough where you don’t have to look at everything all the time. Overall, it’s a refreshingly exciting strategy game that forces you to build up an array of characters.
  • Disappointed

    This is like every other mobile game. It’s beautiful and looks like a good old RPG but it isn’t. Its free but they hope you get into the game and pay for “wishes” to summon more warriors, and there are 50 events going on where you can pay to get more treasures/materials. The game pushes you along and gives you no freedom to explore or interact with characters. You literally just jump from one fight to the next with some dialogue in between. Your character doesn’t even fight in most of the battles so you’re just maneuvering characters around that you have no attachment to cause you’re always summoning new ones. I stayed with this game as long as I could hoping eventually I’d get set free and be able to go around completing tasks, but what they let you do is very very limited. So it’s just battle battle dialogue battle battle dialogue. I’m not even going to get into the two different worlds and how you have different characters/mercenaries for each world. It’s confusing and boring.

    Developer Response

    Dear Voyager. Thank you for your feedback. Please rest assured that we have forwarded it to the development team and hope that our games will perform better in the future to your satisfaction. Happy gaming!
  • pls make summoning a little easier

    okay, here’s my honest review:

    the game itself is amazing. it feels like an actual game you’d pay for, but you’re not! there’s different gameplays, so it’s hard to get bored. there’s about an equal amount of female and male characters and the best part is, the male characters are actually good too! the game is also clear and easy to understand with tutorials as you face something new.

    my main complaint is that it’s pretty difficult to get gems or summoning currency (i forgot what it’s called), especially when there’s so many pull banners going on. this is also the first gatcha game i’ve played where you don’t get at least one free summon a day! it wouldn’t hurt anyone for us to have just ONE free summon daily, so pleaseeee consider it.