Doomdepths User Reviews

Top reviews

  • chronic apple game user loves it <3

    those who are complaining about tutorial just don’t GET IT. you have to learn, it’s trial and error!!! personally i love slowly learning how the game works because it makes each run more complicated and fun. tbh it’s a game that’s fun on the first run and AMAZING on the hundredth. a rare find, my ONLY complaint is to make more im sad it’s over 😭😭!!! thanks devs ❤️❤️
  • Honestly pretty fun

    Not a big fan of game where you restart upon death but for some reason I absolutely love this game. It’s not pay to win. It’s simple. I do wish some of the skills selection would tell you what your looking at. There’s one screen where it lets you pick between a bunch and a lot of them I have no idea what they do. But overall fun as heck!
  • Pretty Good

    Needs a lot of polish for the narrative. There’s a lot of build variety and the mechanics are straightforward enough that discovery by failure is fun. I look forward to updates.

    On iOS it seems to crash if you open the camera while the game is not active so save and exit after battles.
  • Fix pls

    I just founded my win build, but when I opened my status menu with my buffs and debuffs, there was so many of them that I wasn’t able to see close button:(((( And when I was forced to close the game and start a new run. Fix this pls, it was very sad experience 😓
  • Loving the game

    I enjoy how you give control of growth of your character to player. I really enjoy this simple but some complexities. Only visual aspect I would suggest is if in talent screen make color of selected talents different color than yellow of the progress dashes connecting higher tier talents. Hard to see if I selected them or not.
  • Bug

    Its a great game very addicting but whenever i try to claim the zombie head it wont let me
  • I don’t leave reviews

    I am having a blast with this game! Only 2 hours in and it feels like there is so much content to unlock and explore!!

    You can really create some unique builds here and the gameplay loop is super fun, it does not feel repetitive right now.

    One piece of feedback is the lack of tutorial, I did not know I had talent points until by luck I clicked a button and found this talent tree.

    But it’s a dang good game

    This game is dangerously addicting.
    Great for getting sucked into a game if you need to zone out from life.
    It doesn’t reward you with novelty when moving forward with achievements.
  • Randomness/grind is too much

    Enjoyed the game for a few weeks but ultimately left disappointed. The resource cost for unlocking most things are too high so you won’t unlock anywhere near everything at a decent rate. I got maybe 1/10th of everything after a month maybe.

    Randomness is so ridiculous that you will regularly get one shot by later bosses for no rhyme or reason or explanation even with fantastic builds. Just “boss did 659 damage” for no reason in the log when it had been doing like 80 per hit for the last five rounds. I just lost my best run ever to this nonsense and I’m just done. Maybe if I had an explanation for why the boss suddenly nuked me but I never do so it’s just like the game went “oh you’re doing too well so we’re gonna one shot you”
  • Fun game

    A decent mobile roguelike but there is just not enough information on things like curses, buffs, debuffs, and the exhaustion mechanic. It’s a little hard to figure out why and what you die to at times.

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