Traffic Escape! User Reviews

Traffic Escape!
Traffic Escape!

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  • Love it

    Great app
  • Quite addictive for a simple game

    As simple as this is I find myself going back over and over to play. You’d think it would be boring but as you average up, it’s actually not. I realize you must make money but all the ads are a bit much, other that than that it’s a great little game.
  • Favorite Game

    I spent the $4.99 to remove ads and enjoy every penny spent. I don’t think the competition is real people but have enjoyed the game overall despite this suspicion. I’m on level 859 so I’ve put in some time before writing a review. If you aren’t willing or able to spend the $4.99 then you will most likely get annoyed (understatement) with the amount and frequency of the ads.
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  • Love watching ads? You need this app!

    Have you ever been playing a game and thought, “I wish I could be watching an ad right now”? This game is for you! You’ll never have to play more than two levels without watching an ad. You’ll also get the pleasure of watching an ad every time before you’re allowed to play a level with any difficulty, challenge other players, or get rid of the multiple exclamation points and pop ups on the home screen telling you to claim your “free” stuff. Nearly half of your time in this app will be spent watching ads for other apps that you could be playing instead. And it’s not even an original game.

    If you want some gameplay with your ads, you won’t find it here. Skip this and download one of the countless better games by developers who respect you more.
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  • Fun gameplay but WAY too many ads

    This is a pretty fun game, but I feel like I spend more time watching ads than playing. It's like watching a TV show where for every 5 minutes of show there's 10 minutes of commercials.

    Additionally, while they introduce some interesting mechanics into later levels, they're mostly only used during the challenge mode levels, and the normal levels feel pretty bland as a result.

    Some good potential here with this game, but buried under too much junk.
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  • Traffic Escape

    This game is addictive. It’s not as easy as people may think. You get so busy thinking about which one your going to move that you don’t see the lady crossing the street or the red lights. Lol I’m 77 yrs old and don’t drive anymore , after running red lights and running over the the lady crossing the street. It’s a good thing. So if you think this is a child’s game think again.
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  • Too Many Ads!!!

    This a fun game to play, but I find myself so irritated with getting so many ads, I quit playing. Please have less ads and a much cheaper way to eliminate them. Make sure they are really eliminated after you collect the high price to do so!
    If it where not for the ads, this could become my favorite game.
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  • Thankful !!!

    I am SOOOOO Thankful that I found this game and even more Thankful for those who designed it !!! I am Diagnosed with A Anxiety Disorder and was looking for a game that would calm Me down and keep my mind at ease when I felt a attack coming on? Well this is the only game that I found so far that does that , When I know I feel a attack coming on I start playing this game and it does Exactly that, And I play it until the feeling passes. I suggest to any one in the same boat to give it a try ! So again I Thank Every one involved in the making of this game Long time player Here, Thanks Again!
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  • Ads still an issue

    I’m still having issues with needing to use an ad to get a boost. The either doesn’t play or it seemingly plays but gives no indication that an is done playing so you can x out. Either way no booster because I have to exit the game in order to get back to the game.
  • Nice but

    Really liked the game, paid the $5 to buy it so I don’t get the adds. But now when I want to watch an add to get an extra something, I can’t. No extras! Bummer Up date: they fixed the glitch and I really like this game. Traffic lights and pedestrians are a nice touch. Update: now up to over level1000, still a good game, and some competition. Funny thing, if two cars collide, they go through each other. As long as they are both moving. Wouldn’t it be fun if they crashed! Lol adding more stop lights and crossing pedestrians would bring it better too. Looking forward to seeing this game get a little more challenging as I go up more levels.

    Update: wonderful people, they fixed the glitches very promptly! Love this game!
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