User Reviews: Cat Tennis

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • My thoughts on cat tennis.. (In game name is I HATE CAT TENNIS)

    "Cat Tennis is an absolute delight, redefining the sports genre with its whimsical charm and addictive gameplay. This game masterfully combines the elegance of tennis with the playful antics of our feline friends, delivering a uniquely entertaining experience. The controls are fluid and responsive, making each match both thrilling and satisfying. The vibrant, colorful graphics bring the game’s lively cat characters and whimsical courts to life, while the soundtrack adds an extra layer of joy to every point scored. With its innovative mechanics, engaging multiplayer modes, and delightful customization options, Cat Tennis is a purrfect blend of fun and finesse. It’s a must-play for anyone looking for a fresh and entertaining twist on traditional sports games."
  • Cat Tennis saved my life (5 bananas)

    as one does they can find themself in a Position of pure boredom, i had been scrolling through the app store looking for a fairly entertaining game to find. After more than usual scrolling i come upon a pile of cat games, and tried some of them. None had the appeal i was looking for (For complete context, i was deathly ill and was on the verge of dying). Then was on my screen: cat tennis, i was suspicious of the app, wondering if i downloaded it would be bad. after pressing the „get“ button i double clicked my power button and my phone started to levitate. a bright beam of light bursted from the screen, and as i saw it was on my phone i started to play. the second i hit the ball i was cured of all illnesses forever and became immortal. I now have the ability to summon 5 bananas per day and play tennis really well. all because of cat tennis.
  • My will to live is gone

    Everything I have ever known is gone, though I was slowly getting better. I’ve been going to therapy for the past year and it’s really been helping. Then one day, I saw a Twitter post about this game called Cat Tennis. “Cat Tennis?” I said, curious about what it could be, so I downloaded it. I kept losing and losing, I was starting to see red. I got so mad that I took my anger out on the only one I had left. My dog. I beat it relentlessly, picturing it as the dog in level 2. The dog is dead now. Everything and everyone is gone. I have no reason to continue.
  • Boo-boo bear

    Nobody loved me. I had no family. No friends. Nobody. I was alone. At night I strolled the streets hoping to find a beam of hope, anything really. I was depressed and sad and because of this I couldn’t stop eating. I ate my brother, my pets and even killed and man. I was hopeless I didn’t know what to do. I locked my self in room because I was so disappointed in myself. What have I done!? I was banging my head in my wall, forming large cracks when I saw it. It was so bright I thought it was an Angel from heaven.

    I Passed out

    5 minutes later I woke up and saw it. My phone was glowing and there she was. Cat tennis. I loved the game so much I played it hour, after hour. It was the only thing that kept me living. There was nothing I could do about my past but I could change my future. Soon tennis cat and I became so close we started dating.

    Now we’re married with 5 kids. I’ve been happier than ever and finally enjoying life.
    Thank you so much tennis cat, you don’t know how much you mean to me. My precious boo-boo bear🧸🧸❤️💕
  • why i was born

    this game is absolutely amazing, ever since i was born i had a large stomach, so i ended up eating my other twin and my own placenta, so when i was 5 I had a lobotomy to help manage my appetite even though im anorexic and my wife wanted to do foreplay with me and her step father, my kids couldn’t watch but i was so disappointed in the fact they didn’t bring the pickle jar for us, and i got so grossed out that i slapped my wife and kids and ran off with her step father to a motel only to find out he wanted me to inject my ear wax as a lubricant for his rear end, so i ended up going back to Chicago, and i was free of slavery and was bored so i downloaded this game because it reminded me when i would tell my kids to hit the special needs kids with a tennis ball if they could walk and they ran so fast from their wheel chairs like zombies but sped, it was a sad sight but im enjoying this game but every single time i lose i cry run upstairs and start pulling at my rear end hair to soothe my anger.
  • cat tennis healed my depression

    Here it is:
    "After struggling with depression for several months, I decided to try video game, cat tennis. I had always been an avid gamer, but I had never played cat tennis before. I found it difficult to start, but with persistence, I learned the basics and began playing regularly. The game required quick reflexes and strategic thinking, which I found very calming and meditative. I spent hours playing, and the cat tennis matches became a form of therapy for me. I found that the game helped me to focus my mind and take my mind off my problems. As I won more matches, I started to feel better emotionally and began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I eventually stopped taking medication for depression, and I still play cat tennis today as a form of stress relief."
  • The love my life

    Sadly that’s past few years I have been in deep thought about….. DEATH the thought broke my mind,everyday I was scared of the future ahead of me, most of my family and friends been killed or died by something, before I woke up or when to sleep I said to myself “why am I here if I die would I forget everything I see and hear everything part of me after this life I am gone forever” I broke in cold sweat. Until one day scrolling on tik Tok until my days I finished I saw a ad about a cat playing tennis “cat tennis” I thought weird wasn’t it just a tik tok trend? But i miss clicked and pressed on download I I don’t care I played it, for the first time in my life I was happy filled with hope I found my passion in life something it live for to hope for everything was a blank now my days pass with a game called “cat tennis” this game is my love of my life
  • My life was spared by cat tennis.

    There I was, walking on the streets. I looked around at the people around me that were happy, laughing, smiling. I was alone. My family left me, my wife hated me and my children though I was a ‘discord mod.’ I had an UwU kitten. My wife found out and left, taking the kids with her. I was walking home, the sounds of giggling and blissful joy filling my ears. Once I got home I sat in my couch and went on my cellular device. I scrolled for something to do, yet everything I saw bringed me unbearable boredom and agony. Until I saw something, the game ‘cat tennis’ a light filled around me as my eyes filled with hope. My face brightened and I sat up straight, I downloaded the game and I played tennis with the feline. Every hit of the ball I felt like myself, I felt like I had a hope to live. I heard my wife and children's voice in my head and everything around me disappeared, my wife was in front of me. She said how much she loved me, then my children told me how grateful they were for me, it was like time had stopped. Then everything was there again, I looked down at my phone and I was happy, for the first time in a long time I was happy. All because of cat tennis.
  • 10/10

    This game has brought me so much joy and frustration at the same time. I remember the first time I played it, I was hooked. I loved the simple concept of hitting a ball back and forth with a cat. It was cute, it was fun, and it was surprisingly challenging.

    I spent hours practicing my timing and technique, trying to get the ball just right so that my opponent couldn't return it. And when I finally won my first game, it felt like such an accomplishment. I was on top of the world.

    But then, of course, there were the times when I just couldn't seem to get it right. The ball would fly past me, or I'd hit it too hard and it would go out of bounds. And in those moments, I felt so frustrated and defeated. I wanted to throw my phone across the room.

    But even when I was losing, I couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of it all. I mean, who would have thought that a game about playing tennis with a cat would be so addictive? It was ridiculous, and yet, it worked.

    So yeah, Cat Tennis may just be a silly little game, but to me, it's so much more than that. It's a reminder to not take things too seriously, to find joy in the simple things, and to keep trying even when things seem impossible. And for that, I'll always be grateful.
  • Update

    I played this game for a good two weeks, constantly checking in and enjoying the simplicity of it. However, when I opened the app today, there was so so so many ads? After every single round (which sometimes you could just make a mistake and get 2 hits) there was an ad. There's also ads on top of the screen all the time. I understand to keep things running you need ads, but why change the layout and features to be so bad-mobile-game-y? Adding all these little pop ups and weird layout choices make it so just off to navigate. Also, the hit box is so small now? Along with the new thing where the cat randomly throws a ball to the top of your screen? Easy mode feels so hard now. I got like 300 and now I'm get 40 at best! Just confused.

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