User Reviews: Ages of Conflict World War Sim

Top reviews

  • Why?

    I got this game because I didn’ realize there was a full game and I can’t even use 1/3 of the mechanics and I can never make them how I want them to,I try to make Asia Africa north and South America…. But the Europe gets north of Africa takes Middle East Asia takes Indonesia and Panama is South American so I wish you could make the full game free,so that most people would give this game 4-5 stars more often game developers, if you do this,I will give this game 5 stars forever so do it or it’s staying 3 stars until you do it so I hope you do this developers
  • Why I think this could be better

    So we all know that we have to pay to get all of these available stuff and perks but still again it's kind of boring. You have to pay money for all of this stuff when you could have it for free and it's not really fun with just a normal stuff I think that you should find a way, where we don't have to pay money like we have to do this thing to get that or just make it the whole game free
  • Review.

    Amazing game, I just think y'all should make it so the more cities a country has the move money it makes instead of the more land the more money because when you get the premium thing Russia makes a lot of money because it’s the largest country, despite it having a terrible economy.
  • Amazing and I have ideas!

    So maybe add an Anuchuless button and add another few scenarios to add. First add the world in 1938, 1914, 1815 and 1762 just like Europe but with 2 extra scenarios. Secondly, add a scenario with the continents of Pangea and add tribes/kingdoms in the skull island map. Third, add maps of specific Countries to the new empty map. Fourthly, add a language name to the puppeteer country depending on which country is controlling them. Fifthly, add a Scenario for Oceania and add a space map. I’m looking forward for these to come in the next updates to date. So I’m a kid by the way so may you please add these like you!
  • Incredible

    This is a very fun game to play. I mean sure the ads are annoying but once buying the major updates, it should be smooth sailing. I also like the puppet states and land seizing. This game is both exciting and fun to play.
  • Great game but I want something in the game:this is my second attempt please please read this

    So basically I was playing this game after my friend showed it to me and he showed me the full game but when I realized it was money I was kind of sad because my mom would not spend money on a game to save her life so if you could make it possible that if you watch an ad you would unlock the full version for an hour or so
  • My fav game but needs some problems fixed

    Hi! I am a amazing geography person and when I found this game I started to love exploring wars that happened in the past! But one problem in like the parts in like Asia and stuff by china and India and Nepal there are these mountains that don’t let the country attack through them and I just really hate that and please remove it! But the game itself is amazing Becuse my Roblox account got hacked and it won’t be available for a long time so I play this game while I wait. Thanks a lot for making this game!
  • Idea’s

    Im not gonna write much. I think the status should have more stuff other than seeing how old big previously big or rich a country is I think there should be like current wars and puppets here is an example open status oh i see America has a war with Mexico and china has the most puppets.
  • Great game but I want something in the game

    So basically I was playing this game after my friend showed it to me and he showed me the full game but when I realized it was money I was kind of sad because my mom would not spend money on a game to save her life so if you could make it possible that if you watch an ad you would unlock the full version for an hour or so
  • Flags and units

    Hear me out: Nation flags, Alliance Flags, etc. with all of these flags able to be customized via pixel art. Maybe also like in the game “DummyNations” you could include a slider allowing a increase and decrease not just in one type of unit, but air control, Navy, armored support, cavalry, inf, etc. maybe that’s a bit much with the amount of unit types. Infantry, Armored, and Air seems more achievable

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