Project Monarch is an effort to leverage recent advances in tracking technology, that have enabled the development of the world’s smallest tracking devices, to track Monarch migration.
The tracking devices on the monarch butterflies transmit at the same frequency as Bluetooth which means that everyone with a smartphone is carrying around a receiver in their pocket! This revolutionary approach can potentially create the largest wildlife tracking receiver network in the world, but only if members of the public download and use the free Project Monarch app.
These data will allow scientists to track the movements of monarch butterflies in detail never previously imagined. We will see how monarchs utilize key stopping points along migratory routes and learn more about the speed and direction of migration, helping identify the most important sites for habitat conservation and restoration. Ultimately, this technology can help guide conservation planning and lead to increases in monarch populations.
My only complaint is that you don’t have a record of the butterflies you found to follow their history. Or if there’s a way to favorite butterflies.
It would be a great Girl Scout/boy/eagle to make signs for butterfly gardens that include a QR code for folks to download the app. I know this is early stages but I’m so looking forward for this to expand and would love to learn how to tag butterflies myself!