User Reviews: BigFuture School

BigFuture School
BigFuture School
College Entrance Examination Board

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Never posted my scores

    After my scores never showed up on the app, I checked the website. It turns out they were right there! I am very disappointed in college board for making this app effectively useless. It’s not even connected to your real college board account.

    Developer Response

    Hi - did you provide your mobile phone number when you took the PSAT/NMSQT this October? Were you able to log into the app? If so, your scores should be available in the app.
  • Can’t see PSAT score

    I got this app specifically to be notified as soon as PSAT scores were released and be able to see them quickly and easily. Scores were released yesterday for my school and the app still only shows “your results are still being processed” which isn’t true because when I went to the actual College Board website I was able to see my scores immediately. The overall app isn’t terrible but it doesn’t work for the single purpose I got it for. Just look at the website instead of the app, you can see the same stuff and at the least website actually works.
  • Why won’t it show me anything?

    So I got the text to sign in. Downloaded the app, did everything it told me to. The messages say my score was posted, but the Scores section says it will be posted soon. They’re supposed to be out already, what is going on?

    Developer Response

    Were you able to view your scores on the app? If you provided your phone number when you took the test this year, you should be able to see them. If not, please contact customer service at (866) 609-1369.
  • This app is useless to get.

    I downloaded the app after taking the digital PSAT NMSQT to be notified of my scores once they came out. While I was notified for receiving my scores, it said my score was still being processed in the app. I was frustrated because it told me scores were available. So, once I got on the computer, I looked at my scores on the college board website. Even though it said it was still processing on the app, my score was on college board. I thought the whole reason for the app was so we could receive our scores quickly and on mobiles, but it didn’t work. Also, the other features the app offers are on the college board and big future schools website anyway. Overall, there’s little to no reason to get the app. I’m very disappointed because usually college board is good at making apps and websites that work well.

    So there I was…taking my PSAT. I feel particularly tired but still used my 1000 IQ brain to push through it. I thought I did okay…maybe. So then the waiting started…I waited, and waited. Suddenly the notification “Your PSAT score will be ready tomorrow!” W-W-What! I panicked and quickly downloaded the app, my hands shaking with anticipation. I went to sleep later that night with excitement, knowing, finally, my mind will be at rest knowing my score. I wake up and look at my scores they weren’t there yet…but no big deal. I arrive at school and look again…it’s there. I quickly texted my friends asking them if they got theirs. They said yes and we all panicked. I couldn’t take it! I just had to open it! I open my score…it was a 970. Which your probably thinking isn’t that pretty average? Yes…it is. BUT I AM NO AVERAGE PERSON. MARK. MY. WORDS. THIS SCORE DOESN’T DEFINE ME. I WILL GET REVENGE. JUST YOU WAIT…COLLEGE BOARD.
  • Fine…

    Fine, just kind of barebones. I wish they could just have an app-version of the college board website already.
  • The aids and std’s have got worse

    The space aids this app gave me paired AirPods and the demonic STD’s have gotten worse the treatment in the lab is horrid the smell of the damp wet carpet and the rat heads left to feed me fill me with disgust I can not even tell if the heavy feeling in my chest is maybe it is the lead water served to me or the fact my family was sent a replacement of me they will never know I’m gone and dying alone in this lab being tested on please if you get this app remember the consequences that will happen all these reviews give an insight on the deceptive nature of this app
  • I am going to do something bad to myself

    After getting my results, I am so confused that I now stand on a line between entering a state of rage so dangerous that it may end in an XK class end of the world scenario or just crawl to a corner and cry until every bit of water have been seeped out of my body and I just look like a dyslexic raisin. Mark my words this is my 13th reason why for whatever events transpire next. I bet the owners name is bartholumis the 4th and a half or something silly like that.

    -Big Goozy ❤️
  • The beginning of the End

    College board is my one true enemy. The hardships I have been put through due to college board is excruciating. The mere thought of the app is like a stab through the heart. My will to live has been shattered by those who advised the creation of this app. Those who are involved with the college board have been captivated by the devil. Such anguish I have been caused. The End.
  • If I ever find who made this app it’s over for you

    I am a hardworking and dedicated high school student who pays attention in most classes and I was beyond depressed when I saw my score this deep depression caused me to slit my wrists and get an awful haircut that I now regret, I have been bullied and assaulted for this and I know exactly who to blame, college board

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