User Reviews: Vay

Top reviews

  • Broke guy

    This service has given someone like me the opportunity to do the things people with cars can do.. I haven’t owned a car in 13 years and to be able to rent a car for a few hours is wonderful.. can’t wait to see how the business develops…

    Vegas baby
  • Use it today!!

    Love this service 100%!
  • Easy To Use

    Just walk up to the vehicle, unlock using the app, and you’re on your way. Very convenient. App works well to request a rental, activate stopovers and end the rental easily. When using a teledriver to deliver the vehicle to you, the app lets you know where the driver is on their route to you.
  • Very reliable!!

    The service is very straight forward. App was easy to use and the vehicle showed up in no time at all. It’s super useful for when I need to pick up lots of items as I use a motorcycle and it’s hard to get groceris. So Vay makes it easier. I do appreciate the design of this companies vehicles as they don’t look like the clunky auto driving vehicles with tons of cameras and random plastic mounted to the sides and roof. This looks more modern and greatly appreciate the electric factor as I didn’t have to worry about gas.
  • Wow! What a game changer…

    I have a car and I live in vegas. However my car is not always reliable or big enough for the errands I need to run. I use vay a lot of the time in place of an Uber. The cars are so new and nice and clean unlike my old toyota😩 I really love this company and I'm excited for them to expand!
  • Game Changer

    The Vay app is super neat. Its easy to use and the tele-driving feature is really convenient. I love how it brings a car to me without needing a driver inside. The app works well and the whole experience feels super innovative. I definitely would recommend.
  • Never any cars available

    Such a joke. I FINALLY got someone to answer the phone at Support who affirmed they only have 7 cars in circulation in the Las Vegas market. The agent suggested if I need a vehicle and one isn't available that I should keep trying throughout the day until one frees up. LOL they can't be serious. Cool in concept. But immensely unreliable. perhaps what bothered me the most was calling during business hours and getting a voicemail. why even offer a support line if you're not going to monitor it!?? incredibly disappointing experience. Deleting app right now.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us, and we're truly sorry to hear about the difficulties you encountered. We understand how frustrating it can be when a vehicle isn't available when you need it, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. Unfortunately, due to an unexpected situation, the majority of our vehicles in the Las Vegas market were in the workshop for maintenance, which severely limited availability. The good news: those vehicles are now back in service. We have nearly 20 vehicles in Las Vegas, and we are working hard to more than double that fleet by the end of October so that more cars are available when you need them. We’d love the opportunity to make things right. Please contact us at and we’d be glad to offer you a free trip to convince you of the quality of our service. Thank you again for your feedback.
  • Best service in Vegas, soon to be available everywhere

    Great service best alternative to Uber or Lyft . I can’t believe how easy it is to book a car via this app and how much cheaper it is compared to Uber and Lyft. I also love that I can drive the car myself and do as many stopovers on my way as I like. I told my friends all about it and they can’t believe it.
  • I would leave 0 star if I could

    Rented their car at night, the car won’t turn off and I cannot end the ride nor lock the doors so I am stuck in their car until someone picks up. It’s been over an hour stuck in their car.

    Developer Response

    We're truly sorry to hear about your experience and understand how frustrating it must have been. This is not the standard of service we aim to provide. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. We want to assure you that we are in contact with you directly to address your concerns. We are currently working with the highest priority on fixing the technical issues that we sometimes encounter with locking the vehicle. This fix will be rolled out within the next few weeks. Your feedback is invaluable, and we are committed to ensuring this does not happen again. Safe and happy travels, Your Vay Team
  • .

    There is no way to edit the pick up spot if there is a problem. Also the car real time data on the app is very slow and often shows the car in the wrong spot.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback—we truly appreciate it. It sounds like you encountered some issues when waiting for our vehicles. We are very sorry! Could you reach out to us directly at and reiterate a bit more on your exact problems? We have some improvements in mind but want to ensure that those fully address your concerns! Thank you so much! We're committed to making things better and would love to hear more back from you. Safe and happy travels, Your Vay Team