User Reviews: Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • They failed again

    Why in SIGMARS NAME! Did they not just copy the 40k version of the app?
    It's not hard because it's just the same app reskinned for sigmar with some differences (mostly unit building) yet they didn't learn from that app and how terrible it was within the first months and how the BUNKER WAS THE BEST FEATURE! Does the app team need someone to hold their hand?
  • Promising, but bad formatting

    A promising app, but a lot of wasted screen real estate. Huge headers, tiny descriptions, all the important information obscured. I like that fields are collapsable, so that you can focus on what your interested in, but the over-large category headers make it impossible to have all the information on the screen. There’s no reason for a header to be twice the size of the information it contains, to the extent that trying to see even four categories pushes some of the information off the bottom of the screen.
  • Good start

    Just like with the 40K app, this is a good place to start from. Couple QoL tweaks like reducing the number of clicks to get places, will improve the experience greatly. Weirdly aggressive 1-star reviews already, but who’s surprised by that?

    All in all, not bad at all, just needs some tweaking as the edition unfolds
  • Step in the right direction

    When I first saw photos of what the new app would look like, I did notice it was basically copying the UI aspects of the 40K app. That is not a bad thing to me, but what makes me confused is the lack of a “command bunker” type addition to this app’s own list builder. I do hope that if it is separate teams that developed the apps, they would communicate and share how they did it for 40K so AoS can have their own “command bunker” style addition. I just have hope that this is a step in the right direction but that it should not stop here.

    In addition, the ability to see legend warscrolls is amazing, I do wish the 40K app had the recent legends data sheets in there. I don’t expect these to remain forever, probably just for a year, but I still think it is a good addition.
  • It works I guess

    The new app does allow you to build lists and read the a format that is way worse than the 3e version.

    Why is every ability collapsed after they specifically condensed the number of abilities? Playing out of the app will be a nightmare
  • A downgrade in UX and objectively worse than the 40k app

    This app feels like a lazy theme swap version of the current 40k app, and like it was made by a web developer that doesn’t have any experience with the game itself. The list builder is clunky and the way you add spell lores etc through the bottom of a list is not well executed.

    The worst part are the sheer number of expand menus and clicks just to see literally any unit’s abilities. It feels worse than the 40k app’s number of menus but the part that doesn’t make sense is hardly any unit in AoS has anywhere near as many abilities as 40k and thus does not need all abilities minimized upon opening a warscroll. At least give us a settings option to change this.

    I think the most frustrating part here for me is the absolute best and most enticing reason to use the 40k version of this app was removed here, the command bunker button that gives an army page with all your units’ stats and army rules just a single click away.

    Incredibly disappointed in the app itself. This review doesn’t even have anything to do with the eventual paywalls of this app. This needs work. I have a lot of friends I was hoping to sell on learning this game this edition but they will be instantly turned off to this game with how confusing this app is.
  • Trash

    EA… I mean GW at it again, we went from a fairly easy to use army creation system and app that allowed for fun versatile lists with a supportive app that allowed you to view units abilities, infection, related information nearly free to this trash 40K knock off, we inevitably we will be required to subscribe to Warhammer plus to make more than one list on this complicated convoluted mess of an app. If I wasn’t clear it’s trash, god willing this actually gets read by a dev. for the app your a dirty sell out and this is an abomination it what the app was. Thanks
  • I hear you like drop down menus

    So I put a drop down, in a drop down, of a drop down.

    Nice to see the points, and the army builder is ok, but I pity the person who tries to play the game with this mess of an app: every war scroll is buried in menus till it’s unreadable.

    The old app was so much better. I will stop using this the second one of the 3rd party apps is updated.

    I feel bad for the programmers honestly, shame on the design team.
  • dropdown

    dropdown dropdown dropdown dropdown dropdown dropdown dropdown …. Oh yeah that’s what that ability does.

    But seriously I wouldn’t be as critical if the app this replaced wasn’t excellent. But come on guys. Hit button -> receive warscroll. How hard was that.

    Will update score if it improves.
  • Feel like a downgrade

    Every action take additional menus and steps to preform. Something that could be a simple click now requires you to open multiple screens and open needless drop-down boxes. This will take longer for using as a quick reference. Feels cumbersome.