User Reviews: Reeder.

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • I’m falling in love with this app

    It took me a few days to get past the differences from Reeder Classic (which I’ve been using for years!) but then it suddenly clicked, not having read/unread states is liberating. I can still “mark something unread” by saving it in Later. Being able to follow different media types and have my own personal internet feed is excellent!
  • good

    I'm a long-time user of Reeder and have paid for every version of the app. I think the new version looks great and is useful, but it's far from perfect. For example, I really need the ability to change the font and adjust the font size, especially on the Mac, where the text is too small! Also, it would be great if the new version could incorporate the features of the old version so I wouldn't have to keep both apps.
  • Needs a read/unread visual cue. Sorry, it does!

    This is a neat idea that plays into the notion that we can’t 100% our feeds anymore and thus don’t need to see that we have thousands of unread RSS feed entries (and videos, and Reddit posts, and so on and on) we’ll never get to. As a complement to Reeder Classic (but, personally, not a replacement for it), I can easily see a use case that has me using both daily. But I won’t pick this up again until there’s some visual indication of which posts I’ve read/seen/watched/heard. A syncing timeline isn’t enough (and, so far in my testing, not very reliable in terms of where it lands after a sync). I don’t need unread item counts or empty feed folders, but please just dim the items I’ve interacted with (or, better, give us an option to automatically hide those from the main feed once they’ve been interacted with). Without that option, this feels way more unwieldy than a large list of unread feeds in Classic, and I’ve only loaded up about four feeds so far. A small fix, even if it’s off by default but available as an option, will go a long way.
  • Novel take on a reader app

    I’ve long used what is now Reeder Classic as my RSS feed app due to its beautiful design and focus on simplicity. This new iteration of Reeder is really intriguing with its support for various media formats and social feeds, as well as its tracking of scroll position instead of read status. Cool ideas!

    I look forward to future features, particularly personalization of content presentation — type size, type faces, contrast level, etc.
  • Fantastic new release, amazing attention to detail

    Such a great way to stay up-to-date with your favorite publications in a beautiful and easy-to-use interface. Love that there are still people creating boutique apps with attention to detail, including great UX and beautiful animations.

    To power users of old Reeder leaving negative reviews: just use the old version and stop complaining about something that wasn't built for you. It's still supported by the dev.

    Also, I'm more than happy to pay a subscription fee for an app that continues to receive love and attention from the dev. It's incredibly generous that the dev even shipped improvements for the old app that was a one-time purchase. How would you like it if you were paid a salary for one year, and then we all got mad that you didn't work for free for the next 10 years?

    But seriously, if you care about good apps from developers who care, this is an essential utility for consuming content on the increasingly fragmented and messy internet.
  • I get it, but needs some improvements

    I beta tested this app for a couple months, and although it took some getting used to, this approach to feeds makes sense. I do wish X profiles could be pulled in (not Silvio's fault) and there are certain RSS feeds that work in Reeder Classic, but not in this new Reeder, which is a bit annoying. It would be nice if the default reader view could be set from the app level, and not have to be changed for each individual feed (or at least have a default setting).

    I will be sticking with it. I am disappointed it's a subscription. I would gladly do paid upgrades, and having yet another subscription was almost a deal breaker for me.
  • App can be both your doom or your relief

    Being an All-In-One app for your most used sources of content (rss,podcast,Mastodon,YouTube,Reddit, BlueSky…), plus your Links/ReadLater hub… Is like putting all your eggs in a single basket.
    Great for consuming, bad for your time! LoL
    In a serious note, it’s great. UI is simple and clean. Once it is setup, is a bless! Hope to see more customization related to background colors (I would love white). Keep it up!
  • Long time user

    The new Reeder app is great, and I appreciate you still supporting the old, now Reeder Classic app. I have purchased every version of Reeder and appreciate all the work put into the app. The only thing I’m hoping you could add is for those of us who don’t care for subscriptions, can you add a lifetime onetime purchase? I’m not trying to be a jerk, but subscription fatigue is real. A lifetime onetime purchase option would make this a 5 star app. Other then that awesome job on the app.
  • Departure

    Unread counts, mark as read on scroll, and feed sorting options (oldest to newest) seem like important things that are not in this new version of Reeder. The new UI is nice though
  • A wonderful unified experience

    New paradigms are often difficult to get right but Reeder presents a great experience out of the gate. It goes far beyond the scope of a canonical reader app while retaining a level of craft and polish that is delightful.