User Reviews: Reeder.

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Takes away more than it gives

    The new Reeder (I’m all for new) adds the ability to track a number of sources like YouTube. It takes away the ability to see what particular source has been updated (no counts on what has changed). That’s a feature (it is claimed) so that you just go through your timeline. But I follow specific RSS sites to keep up with THEM, and I don’t want to have to scroll through everything. I would give Reeder. five stars if it brought back counts AND allowed the creation of groups to arrange feeds. I’m staying with Reeder Classic.
  • This is not an RSS App

    Just for anyone wondering what's going on, seems the developer changed the entire design or purpose of the app to now make it just a feed of your news and stuff, as opposed to a true RSS Reader App. WOuld have ben MUCH beeter if they just named the old one Reeder RSS or something to clarify. Again, This is NOT an RSS Reader app. It looks to be nearly identicle to Tapestry, although with different UI & customization options. I do like being able to open links directly in an In-App Browser, but that would be useful in the actual Reeder RSS app. I mean, I still LIKE this app? But it's just not a replacement for Reeder. Reeder is dead. Long live Reeder.
  • Very goooooood

    Very goooooood👍
  • Don’t waste your time if you like the old Reeder and RSS

    I’ve been an outspoken fan and purchaser of every version of Reeder. This newest Reeder is absolute garbage as an RSS reader. Worse, the developer follows the trend of subscription model greed. If you’ve been a loyal customer needing a great Google Reader replacement for your RSS feed collection, save time and disappointment by skipping this app.
  • Needs a read/unread visual cue. Sorry, it does!

    This is a neat idea that plays into the notion that we can’t 100% our feeds anymore and thus don’t need to see that we have thousands of unread RSS feed entries (and videos, and Reddit posts, and so on and on) we’ll never get to. As a complement to Reeder Classic (but, personally, not a replacement for it), I can easily see a use case that has me using both daily.

    But I won’t pick this up again until there’s some visual indication of which posts I’ve read/seen/watched/heard. A syncing timeline isn’t enough (and, so far in my testing, not very reliable in terms of where it lands after a sync). I don’t need unread item counts or empty feed folders, but please just dim the items I’ve interacted with (or, better, give us an option to automatically hide those from the main feed once they’ve been interacted with). Without that option, this feels way more unwieldy than a large list of unread feeds in Classic, and I’ve only loaded up about four feeds so far.

    A small fix, even if it’s off by default but available as an option, will go a long way.
  • A terrible new direction for Reeder

    I’ve been a fan of Reeder for years, as the obvious best app for RSS on iOS. Now the developer has decided to archive that app as Reeder Classic and pursue a completely different idea that isn’t even about reading RSS. Not to mention that it’s a utility that does not provide its own service, yet for some reason charges a subscription to use it. Ridiculous.

    I’m a LONG time Reeder user. This version seems to be a step BACKWARDS. While I think the idea of having everything in one place is a great idea, like your YouTube channels, Mastodon, BlueSky, whatever. BUT the CORE functionality, RSS reading, is pretty much gutted. Where is the support for RSS Aggregate services like NewsBlur? I don’t see it. Since that is 99% of what I need Reeder to do, I’m going to skip this until it gets that support.
  • Confusing? Needs More Options

    The home feed displays oldest first, but then not all in the correct order. Sometimes it’s right then other times it displays a huge chunk from a single feed going back over 5 years. Makes it unusable. There are no options currently to change the ordering - which seems odd. And then… how do you clear your home feed? There is no option to do so and there doesn’t seem to be a read / not read option. It just saves your scroll position in the feed. Maybe that’s a purposeful decision to make something that’s ‘not an RSS reader’ and I can respect that. Maybe it’s just not for me. Or maybe I need a few more quality of life type features to use it.
  • Critical functionality removed

    Unlike the previous Reeder, it does not support integration with third party RSS servers. I’m unable to use my FreshRSS instance without exporting/importing OPML(renders FreshRSS useless, paywalled feature) or generating a RSS link for every category on my own server, but this means I can’t subscribe to new feeds from Reeder. I love the idea, being able to read a bunch of sources inside one app, but I’m not dumping my centralized RSS server for this. No sell.
  • I want to love it

    I want to love it. I'm a long long time Reeder user. I like the pattern of [un]read stories, even though I often just mark a large swath of them as read. But I'd try the new paradigm if and only if I could still organize my feeds into folders for things like News, Tech, Local, etc. If you can ship this feature, I'll resubscribe and give it a real try. Dipping back over to Reeder Classic for now.