User Reviews: New Nobunaga's Ambition

New Nobunaga's Ambition
New Nobunaga's Ambition
Hong Kong Black Beard Game Limited

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Don't waste your time too much P2W

    I've played this game steadily since it began and into late-game, and was a clan leader for one of the top clans in the game. There is simply no way to enjoy the game without spending thousands of dollars. The devs allow rampant multi boxing and make it so you cannot achieve power parity without spending. Whales band together and exploit the game for money. Many of my friends have quit due to the lack of fun or a sense of fairness, and I am joining them.
  • Nostalgia upgraded

    I’m loving the grind, it’s a fun well paced resource and level grind. With an added social element. I’m digging it.
  • Do not download

    This game is trash in the devs responses to complaints. If this wasn’t gear to pay to win would be decent. Impossible to play without spending money
  • These devs should never make a game again

    The devs are the worst they do nothing against cheaters and say they are looking into it they fail at making a basic war game and should just shut down their studio I was apart of the first server and cheating is a big problem we have sent many pictures and videos of the cheaters and nothing is done fighting in the game is so trash it make other trash games look good they are a useless company that should have not gotten the right to use Nobunaga’s ambition as a way of selling this game to people if they open a third server I hope you read this before you play cause this game is hot trash that should have never been on the game store
  • Major work needed

    This game has a big problem with cheaters like bots and trading resources and lot of people have reported it but devs do nothing about it’s a real shame that this game will not live for long if this continues this way all you have to do is listen to the players and all the hard evidence they have shown you and this game would be in a better state like the top clan is full of a bunch of cheaters if you want a good game I can tell you right now this game is not it and is a big waste of time
  • Bots bots and bots

    This has been reported to the devs constantly, don’t waste your money. Players use bot farms usually 6 at once to get ahead of everyone else with out spending any money. If you play the game correctly you are not rewarded. Sad because the atmosphere and historical setting had me and other players excited. The lack of innovation is sad. It’s a rise of kingdoms clone. 20. Other games like it on the market. Was not expecting this from a AAA title. If they fix the insane bot issue I would stay because I like the time period. Seems like they are content to ignore. Will change if something changes. Nara out.
  • Trash pay-to-win whale trap

    The only strategy in this game is measuring how many times you “top up” vs. The other whales. Whomever spends more on their credit card, wins.

    Avoid. Utter garbage. Game will have service suspended within weeks.
  • Pay to win(one star for good music)

    Get ready your wallet and you will be fine! The JZ clan in S1 want the people like you. Only have two servers since the game open(about three weeks). It means not enough activity players in this game, don’t spend too much money since you don’t know how long this game can maintain.
  • Hit or miss

    But not terrible. I like the game due to its feel as for the whales I feel a lot of the comments really don’t understand how these games work and are dragging it early. I’ve been f2p since the game was released and no I cannot fight a whale but Ive made good progression and have a solid Team of warlords from grinding the game gives a lot of opportunity I feel for f2p players in terms of resources gathering and currency being gained to speed up progression mafia city is way worst compared to this. I feel if u ignore the whales and play the game you’ll see the enjoyment in progression honestly I won’t say you can compete with the whales but eventually even whales get tired of pouring every last dollar into these kinds of games they move servers and spend elsewhere that’s when the F2P is worth it I feel this game deserves more time and a chance also people it’s strategy a top clan with 5-10 top members can’t be everywhere at once 🍻
  • Pay to win

    I started playing this day 1 on release and had definitely enjoyed it at first. The key word being at first since as time went on the game that mainly focused on clan battles was an interesting concept. When a clan who has somehow reached a high level when the game requires 3 day waits for mid level upgrades early on in a game and hasn’t been out for two weeks can teleport across the map and wipe out any free to play clan they desire because they put real money in the game ruins the experience. It is as another review said that the game is essentially wallet vs wallet and that concept of the pay to win made the game almost unplayable for anyone else. The servers are basically dead at this point except the few top 15 clans but anyone not in the top two are forced to serve the top “whales” who sink more money in the game than probably a real samurai clan would’ve had or just be wiped out and start at step one again which causes half the clan to quit or leave. Since servers are dead and there are no new players the game will be dead within a month or two so don’t even bother.