User Reviews: New Nobunaga's Ambition

New Nobunaga's Ambition
New Nobunaga's Ambition
Hong Kong Black Beard Game Limited

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • P2W - Don’t waste your time

    This game is heavily pay to win. I love strategy games, this series and RotK specifically, but the folks that pay big money absolutely obliterate anyone else. I played on S1 for the first almost 3 weeks and that’s how it’s gone. Spent some money myself but it’s wasted vs how much others spend. I’m barely a gnat against them. Due to heavy encouragement of monetization creating severe imbalance, the game becomes worthless to play and the server is dead. Only play if you want to blow your money. Just buy Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence on Steam and save yourself money and frustration.

    Also, it’s obvious that most good reviews are bots. I don’t think their first server even had that many concurrent players or chat activity after a single week.
  • Unbalanced

    There are no balancing mechanisms to prevent one clan or 5 players from suppressing every player on a server.
  • Waste of Time

    Don’t bother to play this game unless you plan on significantly opening up your wallet. A single whale can wipe out a whole f2p clan in minutes. Trash money sink and waste of your time.
  • Terrible P2W game

    Terrible Clan system. Trash P2W one whale destroy a whole clan.
  • Just Another Wallet Sink

    I got this game for the hopes of it being a classic grand strategy game. Instead I got a copy and paste of a dozen other city builder games with a Nobunaga theme. I gave the game a shot and got to a decent position. Even with hours of farming/grinding starting on the release date a single whale was able to wipe out my clan in a matter of a few minutes. Definitely PTW.

    This dilutes the Nobunaga IP and I will no longer be purchasing any other from the line. What happened to the days of the classic grand strategy games.
  • It ok

    Defending in this game is to over powered and it make the game hard to play and many other things in this game need work
  • Not enough diversity

    Why can’t you be gay in this game? You do understand that during the time of nobunaga everyone had gay relationships, even nobunaga himself had a relationship with ranmaru Mori. It’s 2024, wake up please 😒
  • Just a p2w cash grab

    The game looks like a college student’s class project. It’s obviously developed to pull as much money from players as possible, and is just a money grab with a poor facade of a game.
  • Old gameplay strategie.

    Warpath and Rise of Kingdom is a way better game of every aspect. They need to fully revamp and turn this game around. I like the ideal of able to grow your troops into tiers but no way anybody can play with picture motion movements and gathering. This is old tech, copy and paste. Do better.
  • Actually a good city builder??

    As someone who’s played a million different 4X games, this is actually entertaining?? No VIP, doesn’t seem too P2W? Spelling and grammar is pretty funny but the gameplay is actually good.