User Reviews: Haven

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  • Why do I have to pay to learn more about my journey with god?

    I don’t get why companies use a religion as a money pool this is basically what it is I wanted to ask questions I want to know what to do with this sin I keep falling into and if I have to pay for that then this app is nothing but a way to make money off of God,The Holy Spirit, and Jesus my faith is strong but I want to get closer with god with unconditional love not with money I want to understand him without having to pay for it you can call me cheap and say go buy a Bible and read off of that but this app truly disgusts and hurts that some companies would go through lengths to make money off of The Lord god bless all of you.
  • Mid

    Forced trail is a little also glitched a lot after a certain amount of time in the chat. If it’s suppose to help people why are you guys forcing a “free trail” that you can cancel at any time? maybe ask for donations but forcing it to the point were even if you exit out it comes back up with no exit is helping people get closer or a better understanding to god how?
  • Why is it $28 a month??

    I found haven through theist brooks and decided to give it a try as an avid Christian. Being met by a pay wall, and an expensive one at that is wild to me.

    It’s super unfortunate that this tool of god is being monetized in such a way. I would have preferred ads and then a subscription service to use the app with zero ads.

    If this design flaw is fixed, I will likely return, but until now, haven is a dud.
  • No cuz why?

    So I just wanted to feel out the app but when I first saw it was subscription based and it was weekly I was like no but it said there was a free trial for a couple days or week or something like that I’m like okay that’s fine so I subscribed but again I already knew I wasn’t going to use the app so I just unsubscribe from the app and the subscription thing is telling me that my free trial subscription expires on the 4th of this month but I got a “to avoid future issues with your payment” message and I’m like confused for a moment as in what was I charged for and I seen that this app decided to charge me even though I’m still under the “free trial” and plus I cancelled it so I shouldn’t had been charged regardless. I only used it like a few times and it’s not bad the app itself but my issue is the payment thing because I’m still under the free trial thing and there charging me- I don’t mean to be a mean person or spread hate here because that’s not my goal here but I’m warning anyone reading this, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS because it seems like even though you canceled the subscription they will still charge you. Don’t let that “free trial” get you, listen to me THEY SHOULD NOT CHARGE YOU AT ALL IF UR STILL UNDER THEIR “FREE TRIAL” THING after that date yes but before the date from when you cancelled it no. You guys been warned!
  • I’ve been scared into Christianity, and this app only made me feel worse.

    I wish I could just ask questions without having to pay almost $30 a month. I have basically been scared into Christianity and thus I have so many questions with very inconsistent answers. I would’ve loved talking to this Christian ai, and I assumed the company behind it cared more for its people, but I’m just left off feeling even worse. Thanks a lot.
  • I love the idea but just no

    The idea is amazing it’s supposed to be like a at home preacher or something like that but I’m a ten year old kid that’s lately tried to commit more my religion but I find hard because I’ve also been playing video games and exercise and soon I’m going back to school but having to 7 bucks a week is to much for I would much rather to have ads I’m sorry but I just can’t but the idea is really good
  • why do all christian apps require money ?!?

    i’m not one to write reviews but this really upsets me that you find a good app that says to help you deepen your relationship with God but then hit you with a weekly or monthly subscription just to use it . shouldn’t as followers of Christ , we should have the free resources to help bring others to Christ ?? i don’t understand christian developers nowadays. i get inflation in this world but that’s why we pray that God provides for us not charge us for his word . it’s just upsetting to know i really wanted to use this app but im not going to pay $$$ weekly for a bot . truly heartbreaking community 💔
  • I’m a Evangelist who needed help with my calling

    This app is perfect it has helped me to know about my call as a evangelist and everything and helps me to know about the anointing and it helps with faith and everything I would recommend this app to anyone who is a fellow believer the only thing about it that I don’t like is you have to pay and sometimes it will say you have no internet when your internet is on but I would recommend this app it can help a ton
  • I love it but it could be better

    This is a great app for all the questions you have about getting closer the God and finding where things are in the Bible. It’s just sad that the subscription is weekly 😭 Like I completely understand why the app costs but by weekly is actually insane. Scratch that. People shouldn’t have to pay to get closer to Christ. That’s why he died. For us to have a relationship with him. Jesus already paid the price, so why do we have to pay??
  • Dont do it for the money

    I really don't understand why you have to pay for that. Isn't it supposed to be an application to be a better Christian and that can help you? I honestly think this is ugly. I was on Instagram and I found a guy who was recommending the app, I was excited because I really needed a guide to be able to read my Bible better, I downloaded it. I entered the app and did everything it told me to do to be able to enter. And I needed help to be able to understand certain things when I read the Bible or ask questions when I didn't understand something🙄. It's really annoying because it seems and shows that instead of helping people they do it for MONEY! To seek help and things from the Bible we should not have to pay.
    Matthew 6:24
    24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

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