User Reviews: Verify Anomaly Not My Neighbor

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    So I started the game an anytime I clicked on something it would give me an ad. I had to wait a whole 20 seconds each ad. It was annoying and it glitched a lot and I dint think it was my wifi.
  • Not worth it

    This game is a knock off of the original “neighbor or doppelgänger”
    and there are ads it feels like every time time or every other time you click something and it’s very repetitive. When you call the D.D.D no one shows up and the person is gone, but when the next person shows up the red button is still flashing, but when you click the little thing to stop it, you guessed it, another ad. I’m not one to give a bad review but the graphics are also terrible. Everything is blurry and zoomed out and there is only half of there body just floating there. Me and my brother got this “app” to try and were very disappointed to find no monsters and that there were adds every ten seconds.
  • Why

    Why does this fun attractive game have so many ads like I don’t understand. I can’t even play the game because there’s so many ads take away the ads. We don’t need them. This is ridiculous. I can’t even play the game so I’m about to delete it if y’all don’t take ads out, I’m deleting it. Y’all say bugs are fixed, they’re not fixed so it’s ridiculous. I can’t even play my game. Fix this perfect without ads game.
  • If I could play without Ads coming up

    Every time I push a button an add comes up I can’t even play the game! Which is so annoying cause my fav YouTuber played and it looked fun and I can’t even start the game!
  • awful

    there are ads literally after every click on this game. do not recommend unless you want to watch 20 ads in 10 minutes.
  • Not worth it

    The game is completely different from the preview photos and it's just a waste of time
  • Adds

    There are way to many adds it’s so annoying
  • Wayyyyyy too many ads

    I don’t mind ads here and there but these are absolutely ridiculous
  • The worst and too many adds

    I’m only giving this one star just to have the features of the real game, but it’s not as good as you think it is literally every single second you click the phone calls nobody and you just get more ads and ads and ads and ads and ads and it just keeps going and it’s really annoying just letting you know for future reference, I’d rather get another app than this one
  • This is how bad it is

    The sprites are so bad for the characters and for no reason even know you are the new updates it won’t show me that the updates are actually there for updates already been there I can’t find nightmare mode it’s not there in the options only the regular mode is there and also add a mod editor while you’re at it because I want to see how other people can you do it where you can make your own sprites so the textures of the sprites looks absolutely horrible