User Reviews: Verify Anomaly Not My Neighbor

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Annoying

    So many adds
  • Bad

    I give it to stars because it’s a knock off and there’s a lot of ads and I don’t know if this is my Internet or the game, but there’s a lot of glitches and you can’t even
    Call the DDD it doesn’t work it just calls it for …
  • Ads

    Every single time I click something it brings me an ad, plus it’s a knock off.
  • Most annoying game

    Every single time I try to tap something it would put me into an ad it was so dumb. I hate this game you should not download it and it’s a knock off and it won’t even let you do a normal mode and it glitches so bad and won’t let you see how he died, I deleted it after playing it for five minutes cause It was so bad.
  • no

    In the bustling realm of mobile gaming, some titles manage to stand out for their innovation and quality. Regrettably, this game is not one of them. Though it attempts to capture the magic of the beloved classic "That’s Not My Neighbor," it falls woefully short, becoming a textbook example of how to squander potential with poor execution and relentless advertisements. From the moment you launch this game, you are met with a deluge of ads. Each action, whether it’s starting a new level, pausing the game, or simply navigating the menus, triggers yet another lengthy and intrusive ad. This constant interruption disrupts any potential enjoyment, turning a potentially engaging experience into a frustrating chore. The gameplay is where this game truly falters. The controls are unresponsive, making the simplest tasks feel like Herculean efforts. Adding to the sense of betrayal are the suspiciously glowing five-star reviews that accompany this game. It is painfully obvious that these reviews do not reflect the actual player experience. Instead, they seem to be artificially inflated to lure more unsuspecting players into downloading a fundamentally flawed game. In summary, this game is an unworthy imitation of "That’s Not My Neighbor." It is marred by excessive advertisements, poor gameplay mechanics, and dubious reviews. It serves as a stark reminder that true quality in gaming cannot be faked, and no amount of visual appeal can make up for a deeply flawed core experience.
  • To many adds

    I think that if there wasn't that many adds it would be a better game bc every button you press there's a add!
  • Bugs

    It has a lot of bugs and glitches like you need to update it and make it more better than you creation that you just didn’t know so that’s why I give it a one star