Strange UX and a little cluttered UI
Suggestions: less padding on all buttons, less clutter on all screens, less animations where not needed, less custom controls (three way toggle dimmable switch also snaps to the middle, so it’s a switch And a slider And a stepped slider?), more efficient UX / navigation / information architecture (how many taps to do XYZ?). (An example for padding: the buttons on the top nav are really large, as are the ones on bottom tab bar.)
I also ran into a really strange bug. I added a light, tapped on the suggested group “Living Room”, added second light, tapped on the suggested group “Living Room”, and now had two separate living room groups that I couldn’t unassign from. Some part of the suggested items didn’t create the group. I had to reset both lights to get them to reconfigure, as I couldn’t delete the group either. HomeKit is much simpler to use and I’ve since reverted to it.