User Reviews: Model Inventory

Top reviews


    Downloaded this app with great expectations but wound up deleting it after an hour of trying to make it work. No instructions. Kept having to renter the same info but the app just wouldn't take it. I'll find something else.
  • Crashes

    Have to add photos twice to get them to actually add to the inventory. Have to restart the app to view what I just added. The submit button doesn't work very well, have to hit it many times. When viewing items, sometimes there are duplicates of the items and then sometimes the duplicates just disappear as they should because they are duplicates. And the company doesn't seem to look at these reviews. I had to write them to get the last issue fixed with not being able to add the photos at all. They were very responsive and fixed it immediately, but now the app has even more issues then before.
  • Add Items bug + a few enhancements to make this great

    I'm looking for an easy inventory app, and this looks nice. But after trying several times to add an item, it appeared they were not added, until I discovered a work around.

    No error message; this version just stalls at the 'submit' stage. Adding categories worked fine and results came back quickly, so it appears the developers know how to make this work. Just apply the same logic to the Add Items feature, so it works the same as the Add Categories.

    The workaround - after force quitting and relaunching the app, it turns out the items are in fact added (presumably to the cloud), but they do not appear until these steps are performed. This is unacceptable - it should not be necessary to force quit and restart in order to see the items you just added.

    Enhancements: a simple "Air Print" of the currently filtered and sorted list would add significantly to the value of this app. An export function (to Numbers, Excel or similar) would also be a very good addition. While the app includes enough basic fields to be useful, some would like the flexibility to export and enhance their inventories in a spreadsheet. In addition, if there were a browser interface, it should make an export even easier and enhance the value further. And a really great feature would be the ability to import spreadsheet lists (OK I know this one is a stretch, but it's probably on everyone's wish list).

    An iOS/Mac train inventory app is much needed and the foundation is here. Now let's make sure it works right and add a few very simple features to make it a real winner. I can't imagine it would take a great deal to make this a really good app. Hey Woodland Scenics, how about talking to your developer to fix the app and make the enhancements. You've got a lot of first class products - how about doing the same for this software product. It should be in your DNA.

    BTW - I would happily pay for a really good train inventory app, so it doesn't have to be free (if that's the obstacle).
  • Can't create an account

    The app is just returning a full screen long technical jargon error message.
  • Latest update didn't fix much

    The December 2015 updated didn't fix much. I still have trouble with getting new items entered into the app. I've tried 1 item 3 times now and still can get it to enter. The second issue is it doesn't automatically sync to the copy on the web which it used to do when I first started using it. If it doesn't automatically sync, then there should be a sync button in the setting menu to force it. This could really be a wonderful app, if there was just a little more investment in time by the developer.
  • Woodland senics model inventory

    I don't think it is necessary to have to log in to create a privat database. I will not use this product
  • Sign in relevance

    Why are we forced to sign up in order to have a private database. Is it so they can use our information as an income resource. App erased.
  • Finally!

    Great app, seems to have an issue, I cannot see my complete inventory.
  • Utter rubbish - waste of a download

    Why should I have to signup or sign in to any service to keep a private inventory of valuable items?

    The terms of service state that you collect and share ALL data, then you go on to force a signup and sign in to your service.

    Sorry, not going to happen.

    It is advertised as an inventory programs - shame on Woodland Scenics for endorsing this application.
  • Unresponsive selections

    Initial trial of app reveals unresponsive selection wheels. Unable to change gauge and purchase dates. App seems fairly clunky to use as well. Not sure if I will keep or remove yet.

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