Not Good for 2 Players
Sequences seem to pick the same left or right finger 4 or 5 or more times in a row, before alternating. There are numerous random number generators and also filters that could be used to prevent very long sequences from occurring without sacrificing overall randomness.
App still works!
At first I thought the app doesn’t work, as others have reported in reviews. At least in my case, it was due to not reading the instructions correctly. I though the F setting (1F, 2F..) is the total number of fingers rather than number of fingers chosen. So if I was doing 3 fingers on 3F, obviously nothing was going to happen.
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Works great on new iPad!
I read some of the reviews talking about the finger lints, and some issues. I haven’t had either of those problems. Downloaded and immediately tested with 10 fingers without a problem for both finger choices and team assignments (groups) both worked without issue! Plan to use this for game nights for a very long time!
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Can you please update it so it can support more than 5 people
Doesn’t work
I choose 3 players and place 3 fingers down. No fingers/colours ever get selected. On an iPhone 6
A must for board gamers
Makes it super easy to pick first player. Every time I use it in front of a newbie they always immediately download it.
For people who don’t know, the max 5 fingers limitation is an iPhone limitation, not the app’s.
One request: have an option to put numbers in the circle for exact turn order.
For people who don’t know, the max 5 fingers limitation is an iPhone limitation, not the app’s.
One request: have an option to put numbers in the circle for exact turn order.
Doesn't work at all
Doesn't work. It detects the fingers that are touching the screen but never picks one. Doesn't matter how long we hold them there, nothing happens. Useless.
Used to be great
Now no longer working. This is unfortunate as this app was great. Hoping for an update soon.
Thank you!
So easy for deciding so many game related issues. Thanks so much for making this!
Great way to pick 1st player in any game!
Really fun cute way to pick 1st player for Boardgame night! Love it!