Ayah User Reviews

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ุญุฐู ุงู„ุชูุงุณูŠุฑ ูˆุงู„ุชุฌู…ุนุงุช Removal of Tafseer and translations

ูƒุงู† ู‡ุฐุง ุฃูุถู„ ุชุทุจูŠู‚ ู„ู‚ุฑุงุกุฉ ุงู„ู‚ุฑุขู† ูˆุงู„ุงุณุชู…ุงุน ู„ู„ุชู„ุงูˆุฉ ูˆุงู„ุชูุณูŠุฑ ูˆุงู„ุชุฑุฌู…ุงุช. ูˆู„ูƒู† ูุฌุฃุฉ ุญุฐููˆุง ูƒุซูŠุฑ ู…ู† ุงู„ุชูุงุณูŠุฑ ูˆุงู„ุชุฑุฌู…ุงุช ูˆุฏูˆู† ุณุงุจู‚ ุฅู†ุฐุงุฑ.
ุชูˆุงุตู„ุช ู…ุน ุงู„ู…ุจุฑู…ุฌูŠู† ุนุจุฑ ุงู„ุจุฑูŠุฏ ูˆู„ู… ุฃุฌุฏ ู…ู†ู‡ู… ุฑุฏุง.
ู…ู† ูˆุฃุชุฃู„ู… ู„ู…ู† ุฏูุนูˆุง ู„ู„ุงุดุชุฑุงูƒ ุงู† ูŠูˆุงุฌู‡ ู‡ุฐุง ุงู„ู…ุณุชูˆู‰ ู…ู† ุงู„ุฎุฏู…ุฉ ุงู„ุณูŠุฆุฉ ูˆุงู†ุนุฏุงู… ุงู„ุชูˆุงุตู„.

This was the best app for Qurโ€™an reading, audio, Tafseer, and translations. However, many Tafseers and translations were suddenly removed without warning. I contacted the developers but received no response. Itโ€™s disappointing, especially for those who paid for the membership, to face such poor service and lack of communication.
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Thank you for bringing back Mokhtasar commentary!! This is again my favourite app now

Best Free Quran Memorisation App

One of my friends told me about this app and when i downloaded it i was amazed that this app is 100% free of cost. This app has so many features, which I havenโ€™t seen in other apps. First of all the Mushaf has a warm colour which is very easy to look at and read from it . Its also high quality print and if you want to search for a surah you can just type in search option. You can bookmark any ayah with different colours and put star on any ayah. Another amazing feature is that you can share any part of the Surah with others on social media and its so easy to do that. I am memorising Quran using this app and I am loving it. Allahumma barik to those who developed this app. May Allah reward you with countless blessings.
The only thing I would like developers to add is more reciters for example [Raadalkurdi] [Ahmed Talib]
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ุฃูุถู„ ุชุทุจูŠู‚ ู„ู„ู‚ุฑุขู†

ุดูƒุฑุงู‹ ุนู„ู‰ ุฌู‡ูˆุฏูƒู…

ุงุญุฐุฑูˆุง ู…ู†ู‡

ูŠุถุนูˆู† ุชูุงุณูŠุฑ ุงู„ุฌู‡ู…ูŠุฉ

Response from developer

ุบูŠุฑ ุตุญูŠุญุŒ ุฌู…ูŠุน ูƒุชุจ ุงู„ุชูุณูŠุฑ ููŠ ุงู„ุชุทุจูŠู‚ ู„ุฃู‡ู„ ุงู„ุณู†ุฉุŒ ูˆู†ุญู† ู†ู†ู‚ู„ู‡ุง ูƒู…ุง ู‡ูŠ ุฏูˆู† ุชุตุฑู ู…ู†ุง. ุณุชุฌุฏ ููŠ ุงู„ุชุทุจูŠู‚ ู…ุฌู…ูˆุนุฉ ู…ู†ูˆุนุฉ ู…ู† ูƒุชุจ ุงู„ุชูุณูŠุฑ ุงู„ู…ุฎุชุตุฑุฉ ูˆุงู„ู…ุทูˆู„ุฉ ุถู…ู† ุงู„ู…ูƒุชุจุฉ.

Amazing App and Developer Acknowledges feedback

I was one of many people who were wondering where did many of the Tafseer and Translation books go, and lowered my star rating.

Nonetheless the app has been good before and after the removal of this feature. But the amazing thing is the developer listened to the feedback and reinstated what was requested, which made it jump into 5 stars. Thank you for this app!
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How do I change the translation of the โ€˜Daily Verseโ€ to English?

Thereโ€™s no option to change the translation of the Daily Verses into English. Some of us donโ€™t understand Arabic and we receive daily verses with Arabic commentaries. Please look into this.

ุฌุฒุงูƒ ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุฎูŠุฑ

ุฌุฒุงูƒ ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุฎูŠุฑ ุนู„ู‰ ุงุฑุฌุงุน ุชูุณูŠุฑ ุงู„ุณุนุฏูŠ

Sad to see English features removed

This has always been my favourite Quran app. Hisn is amazing as well. But all English translation and tafseer are gone. Ive emailed about this but no response. Appreciate having it back please.

Response from developer

As-salamu alaykum Please update the app to the latest version to find English translations. Sorry for the inconvenience.

english translation???

this was my favourite app, it has a great appearance. clean, simple and uncomplicated. everything you could have wanted all put together in one place. i still really love it, but one of the best parts was the translation, which seems to have disappeared? including the audio with mishary al fasy and the english translation. and also the option to see the english translation under each verse. i would have even payed the subscription to get that option, because it would be worth it and i would enjoy supporting the developers. but that doesnโ€™t even seem to be an option.

inshallah it can be back soon. but until then, i think iโ€™ll be looking for another app. may allah bless the developers for their efforts.
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Response from developer

As-salamu alaykum Thank you for your kind words. Please update the app to the latest version to find English translations. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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