Can’t get beyond the 1st question
Once you’re signed in, the first question is “choose your profile“, but the drop downs don’t appear for you to select. Doubtful this app is being monitored or updated.
Ne fonctionne pas, crash quand tu essai de te connecter.
Crashes as soon as you enter the username and password
Pas possible d’utiliser l’application
Rien ne fiction sur l’application
L’application n’ouvre pas
Pas possible d’utiliser l’application.
Ne fonctionne pas
L’Appli se ferme dès qu’on entre le mot de passe et qu’on veut se connecter
Application closes when logging in…
Doesn’t work
Crashes when entering password!
Crashes after entering password. Useless.
Crashes, does not work. iPhone IOS 14.8
Crashes as soon as I enter my password and try to login.
iPhone XR, IOS 14.8
Crashes as soon as I enter my password and try to login.
iPhone XR, IOS 14.8