Very professional app
Response from developer
Thank you for your feedback, Alastair, we really appreciate it! Cheers, TBC ๐
App update
Response from developer
Hello, thanks for the feedback, we will definitely take this into consideration.
Frequently app updates
Response from developer
Hello Levan, Thanks for sharing your feedback.
Very good service
Response from developer
Hello Irincha, Thank you so much!๐
Products Activaion
: I click the details, it disappears but reappears after I reopen the app, so I always have to go to the products activation page
Response from developer
Hello, Thanks for sharing your feedback. The button will be next to any offer, click to see the details and it will disappear๐
Products Activaion
When I reopen the app blue dot is still there and forces me to go to the products activation page without any purpose.
Response from developer
Hello, Thanks for sharing your feedback. The button will be next to any offer, click to see the details and it will disappear๐
Emeregency/ quick summarize option in app.
Response from developer
Hello, Thanks for sharing your feedback๐
Emeregency/ quick summarize option in app.
It would be great to add an emergency/quick summary option to the app. For example, if you have various accounts in different currencies, instead of choosing each one for a transfer, you could mark all of them and with one click, accumulate the sums from various accounts into one account. This would save time and energy, as you would have all your money instantly in one total sum on one account.
Bad Service
Response from developer
Hello, please text us detailed information on our official Messenger. We sincerely apologize for any frustration you experienced with us. we're looking forward to your feedback.
Stop forcing the updates
Response from developer
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