The best 12C emulator, and I worked for the company that made it.
First off, it looks great, unlike some other emulators. You can even choose different templates. However, what matters to me is how it works. All the 12C functions are there, but there are a bunch of great additions. There are various worksheets for more complicated efforts if you want to track them on the screen. Included are useful conversion tools, so you won’t need a separate conversion app. You can review the memory and even print it out or export to a file. Copy and paste is supported.
There are just too many features to write about here, but they are all covered by the terrific context-sensitive help. You press the help button, including the “F” and “G” shift functions, and you get an explanation of how the function works and some examples.
The developer also has some terrific TI based emulators, especially the TI83/84 and TI-BA emulators. However, if you need the best 12C emulator out there, get 12Calc. There’s even a bundle offered where you can get 12C and TI-BA emulators for one price. The best of both worlds!