User Reviews: Numerical²

Top reviews

  • Excellent update, responsive support

    I was a little thrown off at first by the first big revision of this Calc, but since then, this new version has re-established some previous norms for me interface-wise, while still working great. I have no idea why this would run slowly. It's super speedy for me, and I prefer it over the built-in calc, I set up a launcher widget for it. When the URL scheme broke after the latest big revision, the developer responded to my email and let me know personally that he was sorry and that it had been fixed with an update. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Finally I can smile again. This calculator was perfect for grandmas like me until the updates that made the scientific hoohah buttons appear on screen. I couldn't figure out how to use it anymore for plain old adding/subtracting/multiplying. Each update made me madder than a wet hen. I put an old calculator back on my iPad that only did the basic things and filled the whole screen with big easy to see buttons. I decided to wait one more update before deleting this one, and here it is, and it is fabulous. I can once more look at the screen and see what I want - a basic easy to see big buttons calculator filling the entire screen without all the hoohah buttons, since they can now be hidden. Thank you very much, developers!
  • New version buggy, looks nice

    I used to love the previous version of this app, but the latest version is so buggy (button presses don't work, error box pops up and then app freezes, editing an entry, etc) it's almost unusable. The reliability of the previous version was great. On a positive note, I LOVE the new color scheme and look. Once the bugs get fixed this will be a really great app again.

    Also, would be nice to have a way to toggle to a slightly more simplified interface that only had numbers, math symbols (+,-,*,\) and the parenthesis. Sometimes it's too many unneeded functions when I just need bigger buttons for the simple stuff.

    I'm sure things will get fixed though. For newbies I'd still say go ahead and get it due to that.
  • Great, Many Bugs

    My big question? Why did you add themes? Just make the old ones available and add more "math" and operations. Don't add custom themes or any other things. Bugs: keyboard settings link doesn't work; crashes after trying to find the squareroot; custom themes are just bad, plain and simple. I liked it before the update just there are too many bugs and issues in the latest installment. One side thing real quick is can make the default theme back to the pink and orange one not the god awful green and pink one. The reason it atleast gets 4 stars though is because of the new operations added. thx for reading this
  • Terrible upgrade ruins app for non-mathematicians

    I used to love this app for its ease of use and attractive design. The upgrade adds scientific functionality that can't be disabled or hidden by users who want a simple calculator. On the iPad, sin/cos/log/etc buttons take up a ton of screen real estate, while the visual design has lowered contrast so much it's hard to even locate the keys you DO want. In landscape mode, the number keys are on the bottom right quarter of the screen while number display is in far upper left corner, combine this with what seems to be a less sensitive keypad, and I'm getting whiplash from checking to see if the input numbers are registering. Really disappointed that I can't seem to revert to previous version.
  • Still pale grey

    Can't see the calculator very well with this color. There's been an update to fix it, but it didn't work on my iPhone 6s with 10.3.1. I have Enable Themes off as instructed. I hope it gets fixed soon. My favorite calculator!! I don't use it enough for a monthly donation, but I would definitely purchase it if that option was available (after my grey is washed away)
  • Thank you.

    I was utterly frustrated by the lack of an included calculator on my iPad. I downloaded several "free" calculator apps hoping for a simple solution but found ads. I came across a Reddit post full of colorful words due to the same frustrations and discovered a suggestion for Numerical. It still offers a paid upgrade but no ads and it works beautifully. It's simple and even elegant in its own way. This the THE free calculator for iPad. You can stop here. And because they provided a straight forward solution I'm willing to pay just to support. So, thank you.
  • Favorite Calculator App

    This app is great! I love that Auto Brackets allow you to enter in complex operations without manually adding parentheses. Also, all of your previous calculations are saved in history, there are great looking themes available, swiping shortcuts speed things up, and the app is calculating in real-time so you don't need to press an equal sign after each calculation. I highly recommend this app for everyone!
  • Bug in design

    I bought more themes to have this nicely done app at its best. I'm disappointed about seemingly unintended design bug, annoying me everytime I open the app when I have any other than default theme set on the screen.

    While the app is opening (loading) I can see the default theme at first ('red' which is free for everyone), only then the design abruptly changes to newly set one I just bought (in my case 'blue'). In order to avoid this unpleasant transition from one design to another, I have to keep the app open all the time, this effects battery life.

    I'm sure that's a quick fix from tech perspective, but I wouldn't have bought an upgrade if I new I would have to deal with it. Please fix it.
  • Definitely without equal

    I've been searching for a calculator for two days, and getting more frustrated when getting so close to what I needed and having each one fall short.

    I'm embarrassed to say that I had previously downloaded thia app and didn't give it a second thought because I couldn't get past the color and didn't want to pay.

    Out of desperation, a took a second look, and when I saw the history view options (it is nearly impossible to find a calc app that will show a full history beyond just a few calculations), I purchased the app without hesitation.

    Now, I'm very grateful for this brilliant design, and I get to use a beautiful slate UI that's better looking and more clear than anything else I've tried.

    Thank you, developers, for creating this app.

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