User Reviews: No Brakes

Top reviews

  • I see your point... But...

    Ya I get it... Simplicity won the race...
    "No brakes" is fun and addicting because it's simple, and fun. Who wouldn't like it?

    Well, that same motto that would've made it big in the app world.. Is actually hurting you...

    Fun? Hell yes
    Addicting?... Uhmm...

    Although an endless race w no brakes seems entertaining enough,
    Well... Actually isn't...
    The so called "endless" race became very repetitive, very quickly.
    New tracks should take care of it...

    What's another trait that persuades people?
    Ya you can see your top speed or how fast you were going when you hit... But what about the distance traveled?
    Adding a distance meter would make the game more competitive.
    People would have more to brag about.
    More shares on social networking about their scores...

    You're all smart people who made a wonderful app.
    Now perfect it.
    It has potential
  • I'm havering a problem

    When I downloaded the game it downloaded quite fast and when it was done it said open I pressed it and it just goes blue and it don't open at all like the app don't even launch the open button seems not to be working for me it's not even in my apps is anyone have the same problem or is it just me
  • Possible improvements

    Let me start off by saying that this game is amazing and if you're reading the reviews you already know why, what I want to say is that I have two ideas for the future of this app, first: different tracks maybe? Second: challenges, which would be special challenge tracks where you must reach a certain speed to continue. Thank you for reading and for all the game devs, consider these ideas
  • Best game ever. No, I'm serious.

    I downloaded this game after I saw my brother playing it. I saw that cute cube running into walls and I thought to myself, " looks pretty fun, I'll get it". And I've loved it ever since. I don't know why but I think it's the music that did it for me. Just a happy little song to keep me going. The controls are easy. The one track is fun, it's just perfect. It seems like one of those games developers really put time into. I hope to see this game grow, with new tracks, maybe customizable cubes, and maybe choosable music you can listen to, like the one I'm addicted to now. Great job guys!
  • Great and Fun

    Fun game where you must move your rectangular shape in order to avoid bumping into the side of the track, and attempt to go as fast as you can.

    Although its fun, to improve the game it would be nice to add a online multiplayer mode, where at least 2-4 players can play on the track and if a player dies/loses they turn into a ghost while the other players continue to gain their speed!
  • Phenomenal

    This app is superb. It is simplistic, smooth, and easy to play. The controls are simple, and the idea of the game is fun. Maybe the controls could fade away after a couple of seconds into the game? They don't need to be there the whole time, especially since you can tap anywhere to control it. Also, the fact that there is only one map is a bit boring. You could make it count laps as well as speed and add more maps. It would also be nice to be able to customize the background and the "brick"? The background is hideous. Just a couple of suggestions. Hopefully these get added!
  • Love it, but....

    This game is awesome the only thing i wish they had is more than just one map to race on it gets kinda old going around and around on the same track. It would be nice if there could be different tracks with different difficulties and you can have your track best and then your actually best for the entire game. And after a while the game becomes the place boring goes to get bored! 😴😴😴😴What I am saying is that simple is good, but too simple stinks. I would really like to see what I said earlier happen.
  • Idea-istic!

    This game is the perfect game if you want to come up with an idea for. You can believe that the brick is a demonic power hungry man who spends souls of the living faster and faster until the dark lord Satan is summoned. Or maybe the brick is little red riding hood, running for her life faster and faster away from the wolf, and if she hits the edges, she gets eaten. See? This game is perfect for those with a fun mind and a creative instinct. Although it would be nice if you could Chang backrounds, maps, and other things.
  • Great game, so much potential

    This game is smooth, innovative, and just overall fun! The basic mechanics of the game are nearly perfect. In addition, the cute music and car really add some character into the game. However, there could be a bunch of different things added to the game to make it more fun. Here are a few ideas:

    1. Add a pause button. This one just helps generally.

    2. Make additional maps. You could make a coin system so that you have to save up to buy new maps. Variety would be very nice.

    3. Add additional backgrounds. This would be nice as it would give off a more aesthetically pleasing look.

    4. Add more characters. The current one is great, but along with backgrounds, adding characters with their own personalities could help the player shape their own experience.

    5. Add some more music. Again, the current is great, but more variety would be nice.

    Overall, excellent game! This game has so much potential and I would love to see you guys succeed!
  • Room for Improvement

    "My foot sleeping on the gas, no brake pads no such thing as last"

    Seriously though this game is awesome. Of course there are many obvious things to be added (maps, cars, etc) but what matters is that the base mechanics are fun. However I think the car driving physics could be tightened up a bit -- the drifting is great, but at low speeds it feels like the car is just rotating in place.

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