Hill Cliff Horse User Reviews

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  • Maybe add a few more things! Plz read

    Hey I’ve been wondering about a few ideas u could add one of them is if u can earn some RARE horses on it also make it so the horses with wings can fly Also if u could make it so unicorns can do magic that can pick people in the air and throw them also can u plz make duels that would be great also u should make humans so people can be humans and ride horses like real life also u have been doing awesome updates and I would love these few things to be updated thank u for reading this! I hope u can update the game and add a few of these! Thanks! 🐴🐴🐴
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  • Amazing but something is wrong...

    ok the game is great and all but..something happen in the chat when I was playing....so..what happen was a horse named Callie
    and a horse named Jake......they could say bad words and a lot of inappropriate words...so Callie said “I need a bf” then Jackson said “I will be your bf” so.... I was kinda spying on them and saw what happening...and they mostly had the thing adults have...and she was doing a lot of inappropriate stuff with him.........so..then she was holding his private part.....then a little while later...she said “babe we have to stop” “let’s do something else* then he said “what?” then she said you’ll see” So then she was pole dancing and doing all the things a pole dancer would do...I tried telling them to stop and finding them but I couldn’t find them.....I left and now here I am!you guys need to remove bad words and inappropriate words just like roblox!bye!
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  • Awesome! One suggestion!

    Hey! Hill cliff horse the only great horse game out there, and I really love it! But, I have one suggestion; the other day I was on your website, printing out a template for dragons online, to make a custom skin. I noticed that hill cliff horse had a way to also see skin and mane templates. I would think it’d be really cool if you could add a skin scanning feature like dragons online, and a lineart template to color the horse template in. I’d really enjoy, and I think that others would like it too, to be able to make their own custo horses, and have in game features to add to it as well! I hope you thought it was a good idea, and to maybe add it into the game. I really love the new maps, and I hope to see it updated some more! Hill cliff horse is one of the greatest horse simulators out there, and I’m glad to play it! So, I hope you liked the idea of the skin scanning, and don’t have a rough time adding it into the game (if you do)! Xoxo

    Edit: One more thing, I’ve had this game for ages, and am currently 12, and still play the game! Love it!
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  • Good but one thing

    I really do enjoy this game but I haven’t played in two years so one day I decided to get on it again. But when I did I couldn’t play online and for some reason I was banned please note I haven’t been on the game for two years. It says you are banned from the game for saying inappropriate things or were changing game files. I don’t quite remember what I did back then when I played this game but I didn’t change the game Files for goodness sake I was only 9! This also happened to my friend who is only eight the year before and it bothers me quite a lot. I was inspired to do a racing horse role because I was watching race horses. But like I said when I got on I was banned for no reason. I remember this happened to me once so I just deleted the game and re-downloaded it. I tried that in a panic because I love this game and I’ve had it for almost 4 years. It didn’t work. Developer and quite honestly disappointed in some of your moderators and you have to fix this or you might lose more people. I do enjoy your game quite a lot as I can remember but like I said I haven’t played in two years and I want to see what changed.
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  • Love but I agree

    I have to agree with that one person we could use a breeding button and I also agree with the other person that we should at least have more realistic animations like how the horses lay down and things like that. But I also have to agree with that person who said ban all cursers. I was playing as a horse called mal-teen-human and this person came up to me and is using curse words at me saying in a meaner way that “they seen the descendants movies” and I’m “nothing like mal” I mean people I am doing my own thing with a favorite character of mine! I was just doing a remake of mal in my own way! Sadly I don’t remember this person’s name. I mean all I was doing was remaking mal in my own way and having fun with my friend Sofia Carson! Please get rid of cursers!!!!!!! 😭😭😭 they are upsetting me! oh and this person had up to three to four people on there side!!!!! Please please please please get rid of all cursers!!!!!!!
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  • Pretty Good

    It’s a pretty fun game. But, I would like to make a few suggestions. First off, personally I don’t mind ads every couple minutes (that have a skipping option) but putting a math equation before every ad is annoying. I mean, nobody is going to get out their calculator and put in the equation. Another thing is, maybe saving your horses? Like having a outfit saver of sorts. So you can save your looks without having to go back and forth between horses.

    Anyway, these are just my suggestions.
    If you see this, thank you for reading my suggestions.
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  • I got muted for no reason!!!😡😡👿😾😭😢

    The game is amazing,tge graphics the fact that you can customize your horse is just so creative and amazing! ...but i have a problem,yesterday i was playing the game and someone kept kicking me out of the server,i thought it was my wifi but then a sentence showed up on my screen saying:”you are muted from the chat”!!! Im sorry but developer if you read this i didnt doanything!!!i dont use innapropriate language!!i just said “happy new year”in the chat and you muted me!!!😡i swear i
    didnt do anything😡😭my name is:”moon mare”with fonts and please dont mute me again because i dont say gross things😡and now im scared to even saysomething in the chat😢 thank you for listening!-0-
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  • Awesome game 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎

    This game is awesome and I love horses and maybe you can make it like there's a foal that you can got to and get a pet like a bird dragon dog or cat and things like that I love how you can play offline or online but the only thing I don't like is that you have to solve math problem to continue and it makes you watch a add ☹️ I usually go offline and roleplay by myself and when I'm like changing my look it tell me to solve a math problem please fix this if you answer the problem wrong you will have to answer a different problem and it gets super annoying there are kids that are playing this that can't solve those math problems and continue playing so they have to get a adult to solve it so they can keep playing I know this is a long review but here's some ideas

    1 being able to have a bird feather in your mane

    2 no math problems that you have to solve to continue playing

    3 no mean words are able to be said in online chat

    Thanks for your time to read this
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  • My user is Horse Descendant

    I love this game! It's amazing how you can run, flip, kick, jump... All that. But can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make it to where bad words can't be said? I just got the app today and I said funny stuff, like a comedian. Someone said I was disturbing, but I wasn't saying anything inappropriate. When they said I was disturbing, they used two HORRIBLE TERRIBLE curse words. When I said I was sorry, I was just trying to be funny like a comedian, he said, " Ha! Loser!" There was this guy who was on the cusser's side, and he said I was stupid and annoying. They hurt my feelings, bad, and they said more mean and rude stuff, plus more curse words.

    P.S The cusser's name was Raven /F/ T/ WW/ C, and the one who was defending him and joining the bulling was x jayxfxbeen. Please ban these guys! In real life, I'm a pretty nice person. I would never curse. Even though they were mad, they didn't have to use curse words or say I'm a loser. I said I'm sorry like ten times, but they still cursed. If you stop cursing, I'll move up to five stars! If they hadn't cursed it would be five stars! ;)
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  • Eh

    This game has potential, not going to lie. It has great running animation and unique customizing options. Except.. the constant ads are getting on my nerves. And having to solve a math problem every time to see one and also to do ANYTHING on the app? Yeah, that ticks me off.

    This game is geared towards kids, I get that, but you will soon make them lose interest with the constant advertisements. I am a sixteen year old, and even if the game is geared towards children, I still want to play it because I like horses and I just like creating my own character and goofing around.

    I'm about to delete this app over frustration over the constant advertisements. Stop them. They aren't doing anything except annoying us. Every so often is fine, but I haven't gone maybe 30 seconds without an advertisement. And that is a problem.

    If these were fixed, like fixing the ads and adding a teen server for the older kids who want to play without having to solve math problems, I would rate five stars. It has potential, it just doesn't have much room to grow.

    I hope you read this. Thank you for your time. :)
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