User Reviews: Final Cut

Top reviews

  • It was fun while it lasted.

    Not to say it crashed. However I was in the final scenes and exited for the night. When I started the game it appeared to have taken me back a few steps. No, it had taken me back almost half the game. Tried rebooting the iPad as suggested. Nope. All that time gone.
  • ***STILL HAVING PROBLEM***** ...I love this game..HOWEVER I'm having a problem with it.

    New Review: I am still having a lot of issues for this game. I love the actual plot of the game & really want to finish it considering I already bought it. I'm now having problems in the train. When I go to play the game there is one of the disk things missing & the skip & hint buttons still won't work. The game acts like the disk is still there & still tries to get me to play the game but when I get everything in the correct spot it still won't let me win cause the one on the very left is missing. Please fix these bugs, please. I really want to finish this game. Thank you.

    First Review: I'm having a problem with this game. I cannot figure out the projector disk game & it will not let me skip it. No buttons will work on the bottom right side of my iPad when I hit them, not just the skip button but also when I got out of the disk game to see if there was anything else I could do or if I'm just stuck at this point, it would not let me hit the hint or the direction button either. So I'm stuck at this point. If you could please fix the bug in this game I would surely appreciate it!
  • Fun way to pass the time!

    I enjoyed this game from start to finish. I played all three difficulty levels. Obviously, casual was easy, but the other two made the game more interesting. I figured out the "Whodunit" almost immediately, but the game was still fun. I had no issues with crashing on my iPad mini, as I guess others did on similar devices. I completely recommend this game as a great way to pass the time away.
  • Final Cut

    I am really enjoying this game! Then I run into a lockup in the dark room. The evidence board will not reset, so I cannot go any further!! The hint button doesn't work either. How does a person contact the support group?
  • Final cut: homage

    Frustrated again!!! Restarted the game from the beginning, now the car will not go to the docks. More frustration!!!
  • Would have loved the game if I could have played it!

    I loved the last one. This game seemed to start out like fun BUT it kicked me out every 3 - 5 minutes. I even deleted the game and started again but that didn't fix the problem. Very disappointed and frustrated.
  • Final Cut Homage

    Great game, but had difficulty figuring out how to solve puzzles. Did not know how to arrange blocks around picture. Know explanation in guide either.
  • LOVE Final Cut Series!

    The scenery and plot are very good and I enjoy this series from EIPIX the best! You lots of HOG and puzzles weren't so difficult that you couldn't enjoy. I would not ever use the 3 in a row but some may enjoy that option.
  • Final Cut Homage

    I didn't get very far , but enjoyed what I got done, I am going to get the full version.
  • Hopeless?

    Eipix should not have released this unbelievably buggy game. Check that—Big Fish should not have rushed the release. Eipix is capable of perfectly good game development. The prequels to this game prove it.

    I think the real culprit is the Big Fish mantra "a game a day." That may have been a sustainable business model in the early days, but to keep up that pace now that the market is saturated, corners have been cut. Very sad. BF used to be the gold standard in HO games, well worth the premium price. Yet here is another example of poor quality control run amok.

    Look at the ratings on this game. There are as many one star reviews as five star—how the mighty have fallen. BF has a history of near-5-star averages. Now, some reviewers are always harsh judges, so you will always have a few low ratings; it takes a lot of very happy gamers to outweigh the grumps enough to generate a 5-star average. Not happening on this game. It just is not ready for prime time.

    Delete, reinstall, lose all progress, start from scratch. Hint, Diary, Skip all quit working. Objects claimed disappear. Further progress impossible. Delete, reinstall, start over. Rinse and repeat.

    Is it hopeless? I hope not. I look forward to an update. For now the game is unplayable. I paid the discounted five buck price, and I still feel overcharged.

    Sad, sad, sad.

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