User Reviews: CRADLE White Eye Detector

Top reviews

  • A useful tool for monitoring eye health.

    I have read some of the negative reviews and it seems that the issues could be resolved for the most part by adjusting the settings for the camera. I work in an ophthalmology office and unfortunately most people only get eye exams for their children when they think their vision maybe impaired and rarely get regular exams to check the health of the eyes. This app doesn’t come close to replacing those exams, but may help encourage parents to take their children in for those very important exams or at least warn them of potential problems. I have used it for several little ones and found it to be accurate but not infallible but when combined with regular exams it is a very helpful tool to monitor eye health.
  • Good concept but...

    I thought it was a great concept. Downloaded it and it found 14 images with white eye. For anyone who's a new parent, it was terrifying. Called the pedi, got in to see a specialist, my son's eyes were perfectly normal. After some research, I found out that cell phone cameras and flashes are completely unreliable and can mis-detect problems. Like I said, great concept but it instilled a unnecessary fear.
  • Great innovation

    We need such apps to help everyone self-diagnose diseases
  • Disappointed

    I tried the app by downloading some images of retinoblastoma and even took a screen shot of the example of white eye from the app. The app did not pick up any of the photos even when selecting them specifically. It would be a wonderful app if it were reliable.

    The important first step to understanding your child’s state of being and possible repercussions. This apps’ importance cannot be overemphasized for any parent who has noticed optical artifacts in their child/s photos.

    For two weeks+ my wife (who initially took action to see if the bothersome reflection in our daughter’s right eye meant something) and I were petrified that our 5 year old daughter may have Retinoblastoma, an aggressive infantile cancer which can prevent its victim from reaching 6 years of age.

    Using this app, I was able to confirm the photo artifact we saw since she was an infant was in fact Leukocoria, an indicator of various possible conditions within the eye. From there, we met with our GP and his highly experienced consulting physician; they then set up an emergency appointment with an ophthalmologist, who diagnosed Myelinated Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer.

    We were highly relieved our daughter did not have Rb. MR-NFL is a non-fatal condition which in many cases remains undiagnosed because it does not normally affect the vision of those who have it. Occasionally, however, it extends to the retina, where it may profoundly affect visual capacity. In our daughter’s case, her right eye has 25-30% visual capacity. She has been nearly blind in one eye since birth.

    We are now using patching, strong prescription glasses for her hyperopia, and visual stimulation to prevent amblyopia; essentially convince her brain she can see now. This has been a deeply sobering journey; if possible I would happily trade my eye with hers. I am profoundly grateful for this app and for my wife’s alert diligence.

    Thank you so much Drs. Shaw & Hamerly and Baylor University!
  • Needs work

    I loaded the app just to see if it worked my son has retinoblastoma and its reading normal on his pictures and scanning his eyes
  • Good start

    My daughter has RB. We performed the scan on 900ish pictures on my phone. It found 2 pictures, one with a glare on her glasses and the other was just a sticker logo on her sunglasses. It failed to pick up on the pictures that her white eye was visible to us. The scan worked well when her pupils were dilated in a dim room but not at all in natural day lighting. We appreciate you commitment to increasing awareness! We look forward to sharing this app with other parents!
  • You guys are amazing!!

    I just want you to know how awesome you guys are for creating this app for our world. My son was born with retinoblastoma. He inherited it from his father so we already knew there was that chance and began treatment at 9 days old. But you guys are making it possible for those who've never heard of this disease. You'll save so many eyes and lives.
  • Great start!

    I give this app a three star rating because I think it's great to raise awareness!! My son has retinoblastoma in his right eye. I allowed the app to search my photos. It did pick up a few of my photos indicating my son had a whiteness in his eye.

    My son has started treatment and the tumor is still there. However, when I had the app try and pick up the whiteness in real-time the app could not pick up on the whiteness in his eye. That being said, I have had to point out the tumor to all of the specialists because the tumor is very hard to pick up in photographs and with the naked eye because of the placement of the tumor.

    Please download this app! While it isn't a catchall it still is another resource to detect eye cancer early on. As we all know with cancer early detection is the key.

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