User Reviews: aa

General Adaptive Apps Pty Ltd

Top reviews

  • Great-a Game-a

    I remember playing this as a wee lad, so I decided on a whim to download this again and give it a go at work (I’ve been getting paid to play).

    My only two gripes are-

    1. The strobing levels: It’s really hard on the eyes and gives me a headache, and I would rather be able to have it toggled off and given alternative levels than to endure the torture these put me through.

    2. The software/AI/whatever I need to refer to about how when I shoot a pin and I’m about to fire my next one, the previous pin decides it is indeed a miss/hit and gives you the red screen of death and calls you a loser for being so stupid as to have a pin 1mm away from another one therefore it registers as an error. I would think this has to due to this game being older than some of the players who are leaving bad reviews, so I give this one a pass.

    Overall, game holds up great. Only a few days in and already lvl 633
  • nothing more I can ask for

    I only got this game because I saw a review that said they almost cried after beating one of the levels that took them a month. Been playing for just under 2 weeks now and on level 319. It seems like most of the issues that other users are complaining about have been fixed. I will say there are a solid amount of ads but at least for me 3/4 of them u can click out of in under 5 sec so I don’t really mind. My favorite feature is being able to change the colors of the balls and background. Feels weird to give a game this simple 5 stars but I really don’t have a single complaint and it is every bit as satisfying as I want it to be.
  • Fun yet challenging

    aa is a really fun game with lots of challenges . On 19 I was stuck on it for 30 minutes then I came up with a strat. Like sometimes it’s ez pz level and then it’s really hard and that’s why I like it. And those reviews that say there’s lots of ads don’t believe them. The ads come every 10 or so tries and you can x out of them quickly. This is honestly a really fun game for when you’re bored or just whenever. TIP: If ur stuck on a level try changing the color of the background and the balls bc it helped me pass hard levels (try making the background and the balls different shades of green it helps trust me)

    Alr so u should play it now I highly recommend it.
  • good game , frustrating

    yes, this is a very good game but needs some help and work. first why all the adds, second i was on a level for little under 30 minutes (keep in mind i had been working on this level for days) i just could not get it now. the fact that i could not get it was my fault but i do recommend for the next update please add a skip level button or even a hint button, even if you want to put adds with those buttons go right ahead. If you have time or anything how about some like daily challenges, or even some options for diffrent color backgrounds. All in all like i said great game, a few flaws but definitely worth getting.
  • Some of the levels are too hard.

    There are way too many ads. It’s so annoying that the game tells you how many times you fail the level. It’s like the game is judging you. That function needs to be taken off asap. On the settings it says you can change the color of the dots and the background, but it only saves the background color and not the dots color. This should be looked into getting fixed eventually as well as the ads need to be lessened and maybe only do 1 ad every 15 levels or not at all.

    Developer Response

    Try now! Thanks mate!
  • The name

    I like the game and all but like can we just talk about the name? Like I’ll be scrolling through my games and then see the word “aa” like what does that even mean. I’m not mad I’m just confused like I’ll be wondering while I’m happy having fun playing the game and then BOOM I’ll be saying “what does aa stand for” like does it mean arrows and then something else that starts with a. Overall I love the game and that’s why I gave it four starts.
    Have a great time playing this game if you get it!
  • You better get this app if you are competitive

    I got this app because I was bored and wanted to get a random game that looks interesting. I have played many variations of this game but this one is the original. It is challenging and in some levels, like level 154, needs so much patience and just think of the smallest area of space you could possibly think of. That is how much patience I have. But still enough to get this game! Try me. Or, at least try the game. Have a good Christmas!
  • The pros and cons on aa

    First of all I would like to start off with the app as is an amazing, fun, challenging, and more, game for all ages. Unlike some apps, it’s always adding a new challenge to get you more locked in. Like speed changing, new direction, and more.
    The Pros. The pros of the game are of course it’s very fun, exiting, and you don’t know what’s coming and after each win you feel very proud and good about yourself, it’s like you want to quit but it strengthens you to achieve your goal. This is a 5 star game I would strongly recommend.
    The cons. While this is a very fun game, it’s also frustrating, and the levels can be a little unbalanced. It can be very hard, then it’s super easy, then it’s extremely challenging. A good add on to the game would be music of the persons choice.
    That is all and thank you for your time.

    Ur mom

    P.s I did pretty good on this essay hm?
  • It Deserves Less.

    I deleted this game a month ago and I am finally rediscovering it. I wish I never did. For starters, level 7 is downright evil, as you have to put two balls next to each other, without them touching. This is the 7th level out of 300 or so, like PLEASE make this more like another tutorial level, or add a skip button ⏭️ where you can either pay a bit of money or watch an ad. Speaking of the ads, this game throws hundreds. Every two or so attempts, an ad gets shoved into your face. Thankfully it’s skippable. But wait, there’s more! The game has NO SOUND! That is not ok, all the devs have to do is get some ball throwing sounds, a winning sound, and a losing sound. Overall, I can’t believe that the game devs allowed so many ads, no sound, AND an unbalanced level system?! Don’t download this game unless you want the same experience as I had.
  • Not fun to play.

    I saw the reviews but still wanted to give the game a chance… So I played the game and got stuck at level 6. I failed over 10 times to get the ball in. Partially a skill issue, partially the balls are too big. This game caused me to get a little mad and stressed from failing so much. If the balls were smaller that’d be so much better and fix the problem. I just dont understand why level *six* is one im struggling on so bad… and i’ve always been average at games.

Alternatives to aa