User Reviews: aa

General Adaptive Apps Pty Ltd

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    I downloaded this game hopeing that it would be fun. Yet it was a little but it had way too many adds!! And the thing that makes me super upset is how there are some levels that are extremely difficult! There was one level in particular that I was stuck on for a YEAR!!!!!! 😡😡 don’t recommend it upset me so much that they would make a level that difficult! but it was a little bit fun for the first 100 levels but after that it became way too difficult so I don’t recommend it if you get angry and frustrated after not being able to pass a level after like 5,000 try’s. Like I said I was stuck on a level for a year so u can see why I am so frustrated!! But can be a little bit of a fun game so I will give it 2 stars to be nice.
  • Good game but awful on some phones

    I have an iPhone 13 mini and these levels are literally impossible. Level 7 is the last possible level but even that took me 30 minutes. I honestly don’t believe level 8 can be beat in my phone. I used my sisters phone for this these levels and beat both of them first try. Please fix this bug
  • Has one big flaw

    Im going to make this short but you need to see it! This game is great, but on smaller-screened devices the pins are bigger, making it harder to beat levels than it would be on a tablet, for example. I’ve been on level 53 for a whole day, and noticed that the obstacle pins are LITERALLY TOO BIG to fit in the last pin provided. And i'm serious, it’s physically impossible, I even tested it. So please fix this!!
  • used to be a personal favorite

    The app used to be one of my favorite games, and I would always play it to pass to time. The ads were a bit annoying but putting my phone on airplane mode would fix it. I remember almost crying when I finally passed level 188, a level I was stuck on for a month. It challenged me and it was simple enough in design and gameplay that I would never feel too frustrated or confused. And, there was enough variation in levels to keep me around.

    I recently upgraded my phone from the XR to the 13 pro, however, and the game is no longer playable. Why?? Because the ball sizes are absolutely massive now for some reason, which makes passing my current level (284) absolutely impossible. I think it has to do with the difference in screen size, but it is literally so ridiculous how different the game looks now with a different phone.

    I am really hoping that the developers find a way to make the game playable on the newer Apple devices. I really do love this game and would love to keep playing it if I can.
  • Just one thing

    When I went to level 758 it is impossible to beat, if anyone comes across this, please post a video on how to beat it because it’s literally impossible. It may be a bug that I really hope gets fixed… Other than that it’s a pretty addicting game to play :)
  • different ball sizes

    I love this game, however my one friend that has the game unfortunately has balls bigger than my friends and mine. if you are wondering why this is unfortunate it is because she simply just cannot play the game as normal people play the game because with the thickness of the balls they do not fit in the middle of the other balls therefore she can’t win the game because the capacity is just so incorrect. I know you may be imagining balls just a tiny bit bigger than the ones that you have in the original game however these balls are about five times the size which I believe is unacceptable and needs fixed immediately.
  • Difficulty changes per phone

    I have the iPhone 12 and my mom has the 8+. I understand that each phone has different screen sizes but, this is just unfair. I recently redownloaded this game and found it super challenging to pass level 7 and onward. However, my mom was finding it easy to pass each level. She even made it to level 57! My first thought, was wow this woman is amazing. Then I took a look at her phone as she played. The game was much more spaced out and bigger on her phone than on mine. It is practically impossible to pass level 8 on my phone as you do not have any space left after 10 balls. Whereas on my moms phone, level 8 has the entire screen available for balls. It’s just not fair!
  • Great game but difficultly level inconsistencies

    I have played this game for like 4 years and I really like it. It’s great and simple. However, I kind of lost my competitive drive when I got around level 90 because some of the levels are way too easy and vice versa. For example, level 50 took me a whole day to complete while level 136 took 5 secs. You don’t really get a sense of accomplishment or legitimacy in your time spent playing. I still play it all the time, though. It’s really great and simple. Tests your accuracy and precision skills.
  • Too Many Ads

    I love this game! It is super addicting, however there are too many ads. There is an ad after 4 rounds but sometimes there is ad after 1 round. Instead of doing ads after you lose 4 times maybe there should be a set time after which an ad plays. It's so disruptive when you are really getting into the game. I also think all the other versions of the app should be combined in to one. Another suggestion I have is to release an ad free premium version.
  • Not for iPhone 12mini

    I couldn’t get past level 8 and I’m like wth why is this so hard and I look at my sons phone, he has an iPhone XR, and his looks great? The dots are small, and the spokes are long!! On my phone, the dots are FAT and the spokes are STUBBY/short!! We all agreed it was a lot harder on my phone than theirs, so definately not a game for smaller phones :(

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