User Reviews: PLAYBULB X

Top reviews

  • suddenly stoped working

    No problems for years—then suddenly the app stopped working —went blank
    developer website not found
  • Very mediocre

    It does the basics but when I try to add a picture to the scenes it doesn’t load to save. The Contact Us link doesn’t load and the Rate My App link is blank.
    I give it one star for a wide range of colors, and another star for being straightforward and always connecting
  • Defunct?

    This app no longer works. MiPow seems to have abandoned the product. Do not buy. Beware. These lights and the app worked for 4 years and then this year…No ability to connect to lights. Color is “frozen” now and can no longer be controlled or adjusted. The company store has moved on to selling Miffy hand warmers…
  • Not intuitive and hard to understand

    I have a lot of smart apps for lights and plugs and this one is not at all easy to use. I can’t even figure out how to automate a schedule. Only a timer option seems to be available.
  • Light

    I love it I can read or go to bed with and wake up with music ‘I want to get some more of them,Ferry Usefol
  • Needs work

    Candle does not stay connected, constantly needs to be reconnected and does not remember preferences or settings. What is the point of having an option to set the light to come on each morning st a certain time, if the device doesn’t stay connected and doesn’t remember the setting?
  • It won’t connect.

    I could specifically go into my Bluetooth settings to connect the speaker and now I can’t see that. It doesn’t play a sound when I connect my PLAYBULB through my app... this is frustrating, I use the speaker so often.
  • PLAYBULB X functional, but not delightful

    I have a PLAYBULB Color. I haven’t figured out how to get the speaker to work, but then again, would it be better than an iPhone or iPad?

    I use the PLAYBULB in my bedroom and would really like a way to turn my PLAYBULB on, set it to the color and brightness I want, and be able to turn it off using Siri, Alexa, or my Apple Watch.
  • It DOES work but....

    Why in GODS UNHOLY NAME does this app not have a calendar alarm schedule??
    I love having my light wake me up, but ONLY on the days that I work. Why do I have to reset it every week???
    Why is this not a feature? Are your app developers just lazy?
    Do you enjoy your competition Actually being better than you?
    Also, why TF is this not compatible with Alexa??
    I AM buying a different smart bulb set that DOES have these features btw. And I’ll discourage anyone I know from buying this brand.
  • IMO The App Needs Redesigned

    First, I’d like to start with a request for a new feature. I’m begging you to add HomeKit and Siri control. The competitors seem to have that down. That would be a game changer for me. Ok onto the review... The bulbs are a bit delayed but that’s more of a hardware thing. The app is organized in a super weird way. I feel like the whole app could be redesigned in a more up to date and aesthetically pleasing way. The different features seem to be unorganized and very randomly placed. Instead of tapping settings to access ALL settings for that individual bulb, you only get the option to rename or reset it. Every other setting is located in its own very short menu. There’s a couple small things like when you open the menu, the only way to close it is that same button again. The problem is that it’s in a completely different and inconvenient spot at the top right of the screen. I know there are better/multiple ways to go about that. When I tap “group” there is always a solid white bar at the bottom of the screen. I’d also like a way to set any features for specific groups rather than having to select every bulb individually. I love having the option to dim lights, turn individual bulbs off, change colors and every other cool thing. I just think the app itself needs a full and complete revamp. I hope this helps at least a little.

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