Duet Display User Reviews

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  • Works better than I thought it would!

    Firstly, I am very impressed that customer support wrote me back within just a few hours of me writing them. I had an issue getting Duet to work. It turns out I had a VERY old (several years) client on my Mac, and just needed to uninstall and then download the new one. Once I did that, it worked perfectly.

    I do a lot of music production/practicing, and my digital keyboard is fairly far from my computer. I place my ipad above the piano and am using Duet to run Mac piano learning software. It makes it super easy because I dont have to swivel back and forth to the computer every time I want to do something - I can just touch or use the Apple Pencil.

    The software sometimes has video, and it is completely smooth. I even tried looking for hiccups or frame drops and I couldn’t find any. I’m blown away. Thank you!!!!
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  • Works better than expected on older iPad

    I have an older iPad 3 (first Retina display one), and this product seems to work better than I thought it would. At first, I had troubles getting it working and thought it was going to be a dud app, but after getting used to the interface and app (and turning off AirPlay for it and just having it go thru USB/30 pin), it started to grow on me as a really useful tool. The site says "lag free", so I would not go THAT far, but it's smooth enough for me to use for work to extend my little MacPro monitor with (I think the creators expect that your using it with a newer model, but it does work with older). It went all day without a single issue, and made me so much more productive while I was working at hotel. It breathes some more usefulness into my 7 year old iPad that still chugs away! One thing - my iPad didn't charge (maybe newer this isn't an issue), but all day use still left me with about 1/2 battery, which was great. Great app.
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  • Great when it works

    So I (generally) love Duet. I’ve used it for years and recommended it to a lot of friends. But it’s fiddly. If I get a new computer, update the OS or even use someone else’s monitor for a few hours it requires an email to support to get things working again. I can’t avoid the feeling that this is basically a hack of Mac OS that mostly works and is awesome once you get it rolling. But change one or two things and you can expect everything to fall apart.

    Luckily they have awesome support. I do wish that they would put more time and attention into the basic app because I feel like the pro level has become the new focus of innovation and attention and the functionality of the monitor extension is more buggy than I remember in the past.

    Net conclusion. It’s a (generally) awesome app. You’ll love it. So much in fact, that you will crazy miss it when it doesn’t work and you can’t fix it without an email to support. Which is me right now.
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  • Guess I should have read further

    The description sold me when it said that I could use my iPad as a professional drawing tablet. Had I read further I would have seen that it takes another $25 a year to do that. I understand they will have continued development costs for iOS updates, new hardware and such. I don’t think in-app purchase abilities should be listed with the app description, for any app. Make a separate description are clearly titled “in-app purchase enables:” but that is an apple gripe on how they should re-organize App Store descriptions.
    In their defense it is labeled as duet and duet pro so that should have been my first clue.
    The duet app works as advertised giving my dual monitor setup a 3rd screen with touch. Duet pro has a 1 week free trial so I guess I will see how that works.
    Edit: Does not work as a graphics tablet with photoshop and Apple Pencil. First off you drag the whole photoshop window to the iPad “monitor” then work in Photoshop from there. I drew as curvy line and all I got was a line from near the bottom left to where my line stopped. I erased and tried again and got nothing.
    Keep working devs maybe I’ll try it again next year.
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  • Ok here we go. 3D artists beware.

    Let me start out by saying this is going To be a 3D Review not a 3D game review. As I find the sketch tools for iPad Pro beyond most of the apps available on my pc and don’t want to play call of duty with it.
    Works great for low poly refresh on Maya for retopology, or blocking out forms. Snapping points and edges same with zbrush strokes. But notice that when the high version <Zbrush starts using more system memory they tend to lag about 3 or 4 strokes. Once I got past 10k rotation refreshing ok. 100k started refreshing and leaving it on the screen. Also zbrush refuses to recognize the touch sensitivity to rotate or zoom in and out.. big issue.
    Problems with brush detail movement on zbrush 2018 jittery. So for me this is going to be a retopo tool that I can just kick back on the couch. Get a tiny wireless keyboard and go to town.
    I am kind-of sorry that I purchased the software but it is good for lounging on my couch and I I can’t think of anything else.
    👍🏻 for the accessibility.
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    Do I got a story for this review! So my cat knocked my MacBook off my bed, my mac slammed shut and I was freaking out when I opened it! I couldn’t see anything on my display! It was lit up but it was black. My keyboard was lit up and I can hear my music still going, so I know my Mac works just can’t see anything! And I was working on my midterm paper which was due in 2 hrs!! My boyfriend gave me the idea to plug my Mac into my TV as a monitor and it worked! I finished my midterm paper, but using the tv as a monitor wasn’t the best option. I have an iPad Pro, so I looked into seeing if I could use that to mirror off my Mac. That’s when I found this app!!!! The holy grail! It does everything it claims! I connect my Mac to my iPad and I can do everything! No lag either and it’s clear! My favorite part is that I can use my Apple Pencil on the iPad to move things around on my Mac! This is my first and probably only review I will ever write for any app! It saved my life and gave me a peace of mind that I can still use my Mac. Once I get my Mac fixed, I’ll definitely still use this app! 500% recommended!!! Whoever developed this app, you the real MVP!
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  • May inhibit other functionality on you computer

    I bought Duet to use my iPad as a small second screen for when I’m running Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) on my computer. FSX ran perfectly before installing the Duet Windows program, which is necessary to work in concert with this Duet app during connection. After installing Duet, FSX now refuses to load citing a “failure to meet minimum shader support requirements”. If I deinstall the Duet software, then FSX works perfectly again. I’ve put in a help request to see if they can resolve it. If they can, then I’ll come back and alter my rating to a 5 star. If they can’t or won’t help then the rating drops to a 1 star since I just paid $10 for an app I’ll never be able to use for my intended purpose. It would have been nice if they had a “demo” version available of the app so that you could ensure it would work for you before you actually buy it.

    I will say, there is a lot of appeal for an app like this. I am military working overseas, so can’t simply buy and/or carry around a second monitor. However, the idea of being able to use a tablet that I’m already carrying around is excellent, if they can just get all these bugs worked out.
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  • And the makers of duet have screwed me again

    This time it was with an update to the windows Duet app. I run my windows machine headless, using duet and an iPad pro to operate it. It's always been buggy, duet often can't send input right away on restart etc - but fiddling rebooting and relaunching the app all eventually get you in.

    Now, duet on Windows says it has an update - I think hurrah, maybe they fixed the bugs. It updates, disconnects, and now won't reconnect. I have my computer completely inaccessible to me because the chuckleheads who charge so much money for this app didn't bother to test what their update would do to someone using duet. So what now - I have to buy or borrow a monitor bring it to my house and set it up just to troubleshoot this app again!

    The pantone thinking they'll use duet in any kind of a reliability needed situation I'd watch out. It seems the developers only intend it to be a secondary display and are either not supporting it as a primary display or are actively trying to prevent it with this new update. Either way, I feel betrayed and am really in trouble now, that the new version prevents automatic connection, and my computer is stuck and useless ok n the day I need it. Thanks guys' hope others who read this won't try to use duet for anything serious.
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  • Mac Mini with 3 Monitors At Last

    I have a 2012 version Mac Mini, the last version that permitted hardware customization. I’m running it with 16 GB RAM and two drives, one an SSD; all after market add-ons. It’s connected to two 1920x1200 monitors. There are times that I would like to have a third monitor, but that’s not an option. Believe me, I have researched it.

    Duet Display has provided the 3rd monitor solution, with my iPad Air 2. I regularly research and write. With Word in one window and Excel in another, it’s nice to have access to Safari to check things. It took 5 minutes to set up the location of the iPad screen, by default it was between the two monitors, and set the iPad’s resolution. It was important to set the proper resolution, enough to match 1920x1200 monitors so that I could drag applications to the iPad, but still large enough to be legible.

    I’m totally delighted with the results. I was not interested in upgrading to a newer Mac Mini, or iMac, because of the cost and the customization limitations. I also prefer discrete monitors rather than creating windows in a high resolution monitor. It’s more comfortable working with two 24” 1920x1200 monitors than even a 27” 5K monitor.
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  • Sooooo slow with updates

    I use a windows 10 laptop along with an iPad Air 2. I’ve had issues with duet display disconnecting frequently while watching videos or surfing the web while using this app, but I just assumed that was due to my slow laptop.

    Fast forward to early Nov 2017, I got a new laptop with top of the line specs. It worked fine for a few days and then my laptop automatically installed the Creators update. After that, the app just got stuck in “Launching” for the longest time. I emailed tech support and they had me do all these silly things, and after all that they told me, “oh by the way, unfortunately our app is having some issues with the Creators update and so it won’t run right now. We are expecting a fix in a week.”

    First off, shouldn’t that have been the first thing to ask me instead of having me waste my time collecting “analytics” for the app? And then, to make matters worse, it has been over 2 weeks since the rep told me the fix would roll out in a week. I looked up when the Creators update was first released, and it has been almost 2 months! Does this mean that their engineers have been working diligently for 2 months on this and they still don’t have a fix? Either they are really incompetent or they just don’t care about their Windows 10 customers. Until they become more responsive with their Windows 10 updates, I would stay away from this app, for those of you not using an apple computer.
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    Developer Response

    So sorry for your trouble, we're working as fast as possible to fix the current issue with the latest Windows Creator update. We will be releasing a solid fix soon.

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