Amendes.gouv User Reviews

Direction generale des finances publiques

Top reviews

  • Can’t scan the flash code

    Perhaps it is just me but my iPhone 15 Pro camera could not focus correctly on the flash code… Hmm, entered all details, including my payment card, manually and it worked. However, it would be smart with a link to the card(s) in the Apple Wallet… Only used this app because the web page didn’t work. Good luck to you all!
  • Catastrophe cette app

    Impossible de payer avec cette app, toujours en “erreur technique”.
    Rien de plus frustrant que d’essayer de payer une amendes et de ne pas réussir et de passer des heures dessus.
    Que quelqu’un s’en occupe svp!
  • Flash code pas reconnu. Not recognised.

    Subject says it all.
    If it can’t recognise the flask code it’s not much good.
  • It doesn’t have the English language

    It’s unfriendly not having an international language (English) in one of the most visited tourist countries.
  • France is so backward with its technology

    Nothing works in this country.
  • Fait le taff

    C’est probablement pas l’application qu’on aime avoir sur son tel.. mais c’est malgré tout très bien fait et Ultra rapide.

    Ps : If you cannot pay it’s maybe because when you are at the payement page you need to go to your bank app and validate the transaction.

    It should take less than 2-3 minutes to processed.
  • Utter rubbish

    Just collapses all the time..
  • Poor app

    Had to enter credit card details twice and no confirmation whether made payment (twice or not at all). As website not working also is a really poor experience.
  • Génial

    Vraiment trop génial cette appli on peut payer son amende en deux clics il manque. Dommage que l’on puisse pas voir les points de fidélités qu’il nous reste après chaque paiement d’amende !
  • Doesn’t work

    Throws a technical error when I try to pay

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