User Reviews: Byline 5

Byline 5
Byline 5
Milo Bird

Top reviews

  • Not quite a step up

    Downloaded this after support for the previous version ended and it wouldn't work in iOS 10. This new interface is ok, but there doesn't seem to be a way to group my feeds individually by a folder. For instance in the last version I could sit down to read all my entertainment blog feeds and they were all clustered together. Now I have to either read all the blogs jumbled together in the folder list or search through tens of feeds to find each entertainment feed. It's not the end of the world but it's a hassle. I've paid for two previous versions and I wouldn't mind paying again for an app that I use so often but not if the experience is a downgrade for my current usage style.
  • Not quite what I need

    I'm searching for a feedley replacement for offline reading. This app almost fit the bill but it's missing one important option which is a deal breaker for me. Mark all as read when scrolling a page of headlines. Feedley implemented this perfectly and I can't live without it on an RSS reader. I may click and read 1 of 10 or maybe 1 of 20 headlines I browse. I know I can mark all read manually after browsing but that is not ideal.
  • Swipe mark as read much slower than previous byline

    I am an old byline user. I appreciate the discount to upgrade. Still, I'm sticking with the old one since it performs better. The original release of five was fast with the mark as read, but the latest iteration doesn't work well for me in terms of marking things as read via swipe. They also changed the edit to mark all as read to force you to return to the rss categories... Not a big deal but more swipes to perform a function is not good.
  • Where is the customer support?

    I purchased the previous version of Byline, now they want me to buy it again. I MAY if they would answer my question. I have email and tweeted but still no response. I cannot get Byline to save for offline viewing. I've turned on the save web page option, but it only works while on line. If I turn off wifi, the pages are not saved. Please answer, I won't buy again until you do. That is not asking too much, is it?
  • My Favorite RSS Reader

    I've tried many readers over the years, but I haven't found anything that's more complete than Byline. It's clean and easy.

    I like to do heavy RSS reading/skimming at one time. The swipe-to-mark read/unread is essential to me. Byline, to me, has the easiest method of doing it. No unnecessary flash or animation, just straightforward and simple.

    My only issue with v5 is that it doesn't sync enough at once. I like to keep things unread instead of bookmarking. The older versions let me leave it unread and it'll sync back as far as needed. This version only goes back a few days and that's it so I still keep the older version on my iPad so at least I still have access to everything.

    Otherwise, it's a great app that I can't be without.
  • Beautiful app.

    I've been with Byline for quite a long time, an elegant and useful reader. (Updated review).
  • 5th time to make user upgrade?! No.

    Seriously, where is the release date for 4, 3, 2?

    I have been using version 1 for years and I can't find any replacement for it. I just want a simple interface with offline cache feature.

    The new mark all as read is at a right spot.

    Didn't know the developer has released this until February... I wish I knew that earlier.
  • webpage saving broken

    I've been waiting for a new Byline since the previous iOS 6 (!) release, but disappointed that the rock-solid syncing of webpages for offline reading now gets consistently stuck. Silently failing and buried in settings to see that still only 1/500 articles have been synced? I guess I have to keep using the ancient iOS 6 version until this is addressed
  • Best RSS reader out there

    The new version looks great and works great; it adds modern UI and features without losing the efficiency that made the old one so good. You owe it to yourself to check it out if you're a high volume feed reader.

    Byline's UI has always most closely matched the way I think about RSS. It's fast, efficient, and designed for high volume reading. I haven't read news with anything else for years, and I'm so glad to see it finally updated.

    I do miss slide to mark all as read, but I admit (begrudgingly) its replacement is more discoverable and more obvious.
  • Doesn't store linked pages offline

    Odd that the main advertised feature of storing linked pages offline doesn't work. In fact, I can't get it to even cache images. Tried default settings, maxed out articles/cache settings, and even reinstalled and restarted my iPhone. Simply doesn't work.

Alternatives to Byline 5