User Reviews: Animal Poison by ASPCA

Animal Poison by ASPCA
Animal Poison by ASPCA
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Top reviews

  • Why Create Account?

    This App forces you to give them an email address just to look at it. The last thing we need is more Junk Email coming in.
  • All info & functions blocked until you create an account

    This is the kind of app you might download in an emergency trying to figure out if your pet might have been poisoned. But you can’t do anything with the app, anything at all, without first creating an account.

    This is a terrible user on-boarding experience. I’m honestly shocked that any app developer still uses this approach.

    I deleted it.
  • Too many foods missing that are poisonous for cats

    Really could use this. Too bad.
  • Good info, I suppose...

    if you happen to be a chemist, a veterinarian or medical professional.

    Also useful if you thought ahead and outfitted your animal with a GoPro helmet camera.

    Suggestion for next edition: start with symptoms. THEN identify potential poisons.
  • Old version

    The older version was much more detailed and much easier to use. Toxicity in new app is not as good, I did not need to create an account to log in in prior version. Common names are easier .to use vs technical but having both gave a way to compare.
  • Add rabbits to pet selection

    Add rabbits
  • Very disappointed. Am deleting

    Have high regard for ASPCA so very disappointed. Should not require an account. But was hoping it would be useful enough to make it worth remembering another password.

    Added data for account. But never could log in. No error message. Just nothing.
  • Great idea falls very short

    The lists, at least for cats, are pitifully short. I love the green to red labeling system, but there are so few items on the list that this app is virtually worthless.
  • Cannot Create An Account

    I keep getting an error notice that I am unable to create an account. I tried multiple methods: google, Facebook, just through email address and they all give me the same error notice! Please correct those error ASAP!
  • Can’t create an account

    Like someone else noted. Couldn’t even create an account. Tried multiple options.

Alternatives to Animal Poison by ASPCA